PART 3 YASSSS...ending

178 15 25

So da floor he laying there when he hears a noise

Its da cup...he crying

He all like "Why u take my love away floor...why."

Then the floor gets all sad and angry.


Then the cup cries coffee on da floor. 

Them the floor falls in love with the cup.

The cup also falls in love with the floor. 

Floor sees a puddle of coffee on da floor and tries to drink da coffee...

But sadly when they opened there cup fell into the floors void of endlessness.

So floor is all sad and crying when they hear someone else.

He looks up and sees celling.

Celling is all like aww it ok floor.

And then....they fall in love.

So on there 3rd date floor and celling try and kiss..

U fortunately that ended with the building collapsing

Floor and celling were hugging for so long when...they heard a truck

The truth scooped celling away from floor forever.

Floor was taken to and died a death without love...

As for the ppl in the void they died to...das right ur dead...

Why am i crying

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