September 3rd, 2172

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Authors note.
I will try and write a entry a day, but no promises, and also I don't have an editor, so I apologize about it. And i strongly welcome any plot questions, if your like what happened to so and so, please ask in comments, I will check and see if I can fix the plot. Also the usual copyright notice. Thanks!

This school is nutters. I worked so hard to get in and lo and behold its a school full of basket case teachers, and the curriculum is just as bad. Here you have 200 of the smartest students in the entire universe, all of us divers, all of us with a strong thirst of knowledge. We are all expecting them to be teaching us the nitty and gritty of what it means to be a leader, or a engineer. No what are we learning? basic medical skills, rudimentary math, and how to "understand ourselves and others." hence this stupid journal. Here I am, 18, having taken all the most advanced classes ever offered, including calculus 3, nuclear physics, applied chemistry, and am fluent in 20 different languages, and what are they teaching me? Well here is my schedule

8-10 Self exploration

10-12 Medical applications I


1-3 understanding others

3-5 basic self care


5-9 free time.


Basic self care could very easily translate into gym + common since class.

oh yeah I should probably tell you why I'm writing this, since when I become the leader of one of the solar systems everyone will want to read my journal, and wont except the answer that I wrote it to have some since of sanity.

my First assginment in self exploration is to write an entry daily in this wounderful journal. and then i have to carry it with me and write down any opions I have about anything ever, the only not bad thing about it is that everyone has to, Its school rules. So no nasy questions about what are you writing. Oh and another thing against school rules is to read someone elses journal. At least until after both participants have graduated, at which point this journal becomes public property. Fun right?

Another rule about this journal is that I have to write it for common folk. meaning I have to "dumb down" my vocabulary and maybe occasionally mess up in grammar so that it is easier for the common people to read, I also have to write it in my native tongue, meaning I cant use my multi-lingual writing I normally do. Sometimes writing in Grush is easier and better covers somthing than plain old ESL (Earth standard language)

I dont understand why we are not being taught A) specifics on our predetermined career B) how to do our predetermined carrer C) public speaking. and the list goes on. i'm at lunch right now, I already had Med Apps 1, which is teaching us how to give shots, dose medicine and a bunch of other stuff only doctors really need to know, and I heard about Basic self care from one of the others, since we all are taking the exact same classes just in a different order. Today during free time apparently there will be a opening assembly to tell officially all of the rules (which all of us have read) and since it's been 47 years since the universe has had a new leader, the new universe leader will be announced from my class of solar system leaders. I am not expecting to be chosen, I barely was chosen for this school, no way will I be chosen for leader, not to mention that a purebred human woman hasn't ever been chosen, and I am the only one of those in the entire school.

There are several cons to this. Most leaders are not chosen from one of the 'feeling' species. Its been consistently proven that leaders from one of the non-emotional species are far better leaders, they are much more concise and less likely to be rebelled against. Since that is true, a human, (female no less) trying to go through schooling to be a leader is near impossible. Of course there are Anti-discriminatory laws, stating that I am to be given the same chance as an other for this leader role. The other main Con to being a human is that not many people want to be friends with me, with my predicted lifespan of 120 and still a strong christan, (an ancient religion that most don't even know it exists) no one wants to get close to me, for fear that I will have an 'emotion outbreak'. Like laughing obnixisously or crying. When in reality I havent ever done any of those.

I was of course born to two humans, but in the mass leaving of the poluted earth, we got seperated when I was only 5. I was very lucky that a Large family of Nephs, (a fellow ESL speaking species, that are similar to humans in most ways, except they are almost non-emotion.) They nicely took me under their wings, and raised me as there own. Since I was never introduced to laughter or Crying untill I met another human in the 6th year of my education. I found my faith on my own. They had kept the old bible only as a refrence to the ancient religion. Averything in it is laughed at. For some reason, it stuck with me as true, so every day I pray, and read this old bible. Acording to the time I should be heading to Understanding others, then to basic self care. Maybe I will have some time to write in between.

Well I didnt have time. but also there wasnt anything to really write about so currently I am eating my minimal dinner and then waiting untill the assembly.

One thing that has suprised me is that they are still using the strict seating charts that they used in the lower education systems. They seperate us first by species then by gender, fallowed byage. All table and class rooms are orginized so that you are next to someone like you, but there are no gaps unless someone isnt present. So at meals I find my name tag, that rotates around the room, so that no one species is getting special treatment by always sitting in the best spot, and I sit. They place me with the Nephs. Which is fine by me since I am the only human, and one of the very few girls, sitting with the nephs make me stand out less, because i look very much like them, and its near impossible to tell the difference, even in behavior and speach.

The understanding others class is basicly a big fancy way of putting "recognize species, recognize feelings in others, notice threats, notice everything" Even the teacher messed up by having me stand up with the nephs when she tried to demenstrate the difference between a Neph and a Leger. Legers have a slight exaprated way of speaking in ESL and their noses are a little longer, paired with a minutely elongated face. I had to point out to the teacher her mistake when she refrenced me and the other nephs as the same.

"My Apologies for interrupting, but I am not a Neph." If it wasnt for the fact that leaders have to practice being completely honest and helping correct others mistakes, I would of let the mistake slide.

"Of course you are, there positively isn't anything else you could be." The teacher responded, positively confused.

"My apologies, I am human, but from an age of 5 was raised and lived with Nephs." I fallow up her confusion with what I hope to be a decent explanation of why I speak and act like the Nephs while I am not truly one of them.

"of course, do you infact know the difference between the nephs and the humans? the teacher spent the rest of class asking me questions, in an obvious attempt to get my human temper to act out. I have very good control over my human emotions. I had spent enough time with the humans to aquire the feelings that they have, while at the same time young enough to be able to control and repress them well. I have always felt that my ability to feel, did not have it effect my decisions, and was a strength to me. I was easier for my childhood friends to talk to about conflict, since I would look not only at the justice and morality of the issue but the feeling also portrayed. Either way, she wasn't able to get me to act out. And it's time to head to this assembly. Then I might have some time to write. Maybe.

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