September 4th, 2173

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So for wanting us to write everything, they certainly gave us big big news, and no time to write. They wanted our full attention on them, we were not allowed to bring our journals in with us into the auditorium, and then after the news, they shooed us into our dorms, no time to talk to friends or write. Our stuff got delivered to us in the morning. Well now, and we are being given 1/2 an hour to write.
Apperently they were not able to choose who to be the next galaxy leader, they called 5 names to the stage. One of them being me! Then they did this really odd, you would think that they would announce that 'one of these will be leader, after we do some more observations and assessments' to the class, and then in private tell us what the observations and assessments would require.
They didn't do that, they just had us stand there on stage in front of everyone, and explained that it would be a form of compatation. We would compete against each other in several different events, things like adressing public, choosing course of action and everything else.
We are not to know when we in an event. They will post scores on the main school board at the end of each week.
Basically it's going to be like all of school, where we watch the top student board and hope that our name appears there. So that we can advance to the next stage. I was always just barely on the board, normally either last or second to last.
This is why I am so confused on why they have chosen me.

There are so many other better people for this job than me. they are seeming to pick people that have no reason to be leader of the galaxy. Well I poundered to much and didnt write to much, and now its time for class. I think that today I will test my memory skills and write only before bed, not at lunch and dinner and what ever.

Well, since they had the big entrance cermony, they changed everything. Now I am not in basic care, or basic health. I am in public speaking and community care, and responcibilitys. Responcibilitys helps us with the paper work, and ligistics of being a leader. Community care helps us to 'develop' our own community guidelines. I have a strong feeling that we will be pushed into fallowing their ideas of a good comminity.

I am not looking forward to that, I often have a different view, and who know what they will see in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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