Chapter Fourteen: The Promise

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It was hard to believe it had been six months since Akio came to be a part of the vigilante group. Her body was still sore and recovering from the brawl two weeks ago, but finally, things were looking up, besides the situation with Indra.

Akio laid down in the field of glowing flowers, staring up at the trees as they swayed to their own natural rhythm. Behind her, several of the group had chosen to go for a swim in the river. She rolled to her stomach to watch them, laughing when Eris caught Bolivar off guard and splashed him in the face.

The large man chuckled, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her beneath the water in revenge.

Eris came to the surface, gasping and whacked him playfully on the bicep. "You got water up my nose."

This was Eris' and Bolivar's last day with the group. Because of the LizzDraken's status as a royal, and Bolivar as her bodyguard, it was necessary for them to make appearances. Tomorrow, they would be going to another planet for some sort of treaty deal.

Akio didn't know the details, but it sounded important.

Bolivar chuckled. "You started it."

"Why don't you two just kiss already? The sexual tension is heating up the room," Hawke called from the rocks he sat on.

Snorting, Akio watched in amusement as whoops and whistles from surrounding members echoed through the cavern. Even Chester joined in the fun.

"It's not like that!" Both Bolivar and Eris cried in unison. Their flushed faces said otherwise.

Eris, as a LizzDraken had an even more obvious tell, fire filled her cheeks, casting an unmissable glow.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Hawke started and others joined the chanting.

Akio stood up and walked over. "Hate to break up the fun, but, let them be. . ."

Eris sighed in relief. "Thanks, Akio I—"

Akio held up a hand. "I wasn't finished. What I was saying is let them be, they'd rather keep things private." She emphasized it with a wink.

"Fuck you!" Eris spat.

Everyone else howled in laughter, including Bolivar.

"What can I say, you two lovebirds are the only entertainment here. I'm going to miss you," Akio said, punching Eris in the arm.

Eris punched her back, a little harder than necessary, giving a toothy smile. "I'll miss you too."

Shaking off the pain, Akio enveloped the sopping wet LizzDraken in a hug."Be safe."

"No promises. That would be boring," Eris said, returning the hug.

Akio chuckled, her and Eris echoing each other's words. "The fun is in the danger."

Bolivar coughed, grabbing Eris by the arm. "We need to get going." He turned to Akio. "Don't give her ideas, I plan on keeping Eris out of trouble."

"Good luck with that," Hawke shot from the rock, jumping into the water and splashing Akio, Eris, and Bolivar.

The water drenched Akio completely, making her thigh length shirt cling to her skin. "Hawke! I didn't want to get wet.

He laughed, splashing more water in her direction. "Then don't stand by the water."

Since she was already wet, Akio raised a brow in challenge. She gained some momentum with a spin, sweeping her leg across the water and soaking Hawke with a wave.


Akio walked away with a self-satisfied smirk. "If you don't want to get wet, don't swim in the water."

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