The Rose of Anarchy - Part 1

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Hello to a new fan fiction project to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. This story is a collab with itsLumay who kindly gave me permission to use their characters from their fan fiction of AC4, "Twisted Time". Please check it out if you're interested. I can't post a link here unfortunately, AFAIK.

Every chapter that includes these characters of itsLumay will have a little note at the top.

Trigger-Warning: The chapter (or the entire work to a certain extent) contains strong language and is heavily politicized. If you get easily offended by a far left-leaning character sharing their ideals or very heavily criticizing the US, you should skip the part written in italics.

The political views of the characters in this work do not have to correlate with my own to a full extent.



21 June 2026, onboard the Rose of Anarchy

My name is Quinn Ross. I've never written anything like a log or diary before, but I have a strong feeling that now is the best time to start.

I guess I am a real captain now. Just a couple of days ago, my boys and I took a warship off the Yankees. I still remember how godforsaken the harbour was and how this ship was lying in the dock all alone and completely unguarded. We just wanted to get away from the hell that the once-mighty American Empire had turned into, so we just grabbed it.

Rad, eh?

My boys and I are a notorious rebel group that agitated for anarchism and the abolition of the state. Ever since I could remember, I wasn't happy with all the shite the United States was doing to the world. My parents are British, so normally I would live in England, but I was born in the USA. My parents' holiday turned into my family's permanent residence.

The USA was coming to an end. The capitalist system of modern slavery was falling apart, as Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky had predicted. The dollar became worthless. Prices for essential items skyrocketed. And people, especially the poorer ones who had to endure it all the hardest, took to the streets. The rich, of course, didn't care at all. They continued to swim in their pool of dollar notes and laughed at the "lazy, dirty, poor pigs" who had lost their entire livelihood.

We didn't put up with that.

We had raided the place of one of the richest motherfuckers in our state. But instead of stealing something, we just burned all his oh so dear dollars. The look and horror in his eyes was just a glorious sight. Of course, this little pussy called the police right away, so unfortunately we had to go into hiding. For a fortnight!

The so-called "second American Civil War" came at an excellent time. The police and other authorities were far too distracted to pursue us as they had to keep the angry poor citizens who had been screwed by their country under control. Someone has to keep the money. But the main thing is that it is not the hard-working people of the lower class. That would be communism and, as we all know, it is a terrible virus of the devil himself. Idiots!

When we were finally "free" again and didn't have to hide from corrupt pigs in black uniforms who would have easily shot us without taking a closer look, we could go on with our "mischief".

Since our state was hit pretty hard by the riots, the Capitol building was evacuated. This was the perfect opportunity for us to make sure that this building was not reoccupied later on.

Long story short, we blew the thing up.

Are we stupid? Maybe. A little. We're anarchists, damn it. We have to make our mark somehow. Furthermore, we make sure nobody gets hurt and buildings can be repaired, what's the problem?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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