Chapter 1- Four

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*This is a work of fanfiction i do no own any of these characters except Nic* Thank you to Mari for telling me to do this her tiktok is: c0ldxh3art she does y/n POVs

Enjoy :)


Agent Ward: "Four?"

I took a deep breath

Ward: "Four are you ready?"

I raise my head but continue staring at the floor.

Ward: "Four are you ready to comply?"

Me: "Yes sir. I'm ready to comply."

Ward: Good

He looks to the guard

"Take her to be prepped"

The guards nod as he exits the cells. They come over to grab me. I look over to see AJ smiling at me as he knows what happens next. They put cuffs on my wrists and take me out of the cell. They drag me into a cold dark room. The first guard, Elijah, the only one i like, he grabs a towel and places it on the floor next to a silver tub.

Elijah: "I convinced Agent Ward to give you ten extra minutes today."

The guard next to him scoffs. Tyler, i hated him the most.

Tyler: "Whatever 20 minutes Four. That understood?"

I look up at him through my lashes. I clench my jaw, then smile as i see him squirm.

Tyler: "You better fucking answer me."

My smile grows wider, until my teeth show. Elijah stares at Tyler amused.

Me: "Elijah thank you for the extra time, as for you Tyler." I grab his shirt collar. "You ever talk to me like that again and ill snap your neck faster than you can blink. I'm not you little lap dog, and i don't answer to you, I answer to strucker, and if you're still confused that means I won't hesitate to kill you. You are at the bottom of the food chain, you answer to me! Is that understood?"

He starts to breathe heavy and nods as he gulps.

I smile again and the two guards leave me. They're only here to make sure i don't kill any of the prisoners.

I walk towards the tub in the center of the room as i take off my shirt and sweatpants. I step into the silver tub. The water is cold with ice and i submerge fully. After about 3 minutes i come up. I scrub the blood of my arms where my wounds were inflicted. Three different stab wounds two on my arm and one back, punishment for my last mission. I killed one of the agents i was sent in with, he let our target get away because he felt bad. He won't make that mistake again. I didn't care for it though, I didn't feel pain anymore, it happens after being tortured everyday for four years. That's ironic isn't it, they call me four and i was tortured for four years before they trusted me enough to put me in the cells. That's not why they call me four though. I was part of an experiment, one i don't know if I'm thankful for. There were 8 of us, they wanted to give us powers without killing us but it didn't work, only 3 of us survived, AJ -my cellmate and best-friend, we call him 6 because he was the sixth one to experiment, but on the field we call him Phoenix because after they experimented on him he got some sort of fire power that let him engulf in a raging fire without any burns. Then there was Elijah, he was 5, we called him Picasso, its ironic really because he can't paint for crap, but his body was covered in tattoos, after the experiment he could make any tattoo real, even ones that were on other peoples bodies. Then there was me, four I don't remember my full name but Grant Ward said it was Nic. According to Strucker i was the most prized possession, i had almost every power you can think of. It sounds cool, i thought so too until i woke up burning everything i saw because of the heat vision. They said i was the closest thing to a god that they could get. But i wasn't a God i was a human, that's why they call me Titan.

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