Chapter 9- Fear

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Trigger warning: violence


As we kiss I become captivated by her, forgetting everything else. She deepens the kiss by placing her arm around my neck. She opens her mouth and I slip my tongue in, breathing deep. At this point we're in a good old fashion high school make out session. She sticks her hands in my and begins to rub up and down slowly. On instinct I run my hands up under her shirt and work my hand up to her boob. She runs her hand down and into the waistband of my joggers. My hand has a mind of its own now, massaging her chest. She moans in my mouth and I open my eyes snapping out of it. I jump off of her and walk over to the nightstand to grab her food. I lay it on the bed and stare at her, pulse racing "Eat." She looks over at me in disbelief "Seriously?" I nod firmly. "Why are you mad?" I look away from her and run a hand through my hair "I'm not mad Wanda." "Really? Because you don't call me Wanda unless you're lecturing me or telling me you love me." I look at her and start pacing "That's not fair." I look away. Don't break Nicole. Don't break. "You wanna know what else isn't fair Nicole?" I glance back at her "What isn't fair, is that my girlfriend is pissed and won't tell me why." I stop pacing "What do you want me to say Wanda?!" I walk to her side but stay out of reach "You want me to tell you I'm angry?" I raise my eyebrows "Fine Wanda, I'm fucking angry." I huff out a breath "I'm angry 'cause I'm scared..." she looks at me tears in her eye "I'm a fucking lab experiment with legs. You know how many people I've killed with these powers?! Do you know how many of them were accidents?!" she looks down "Almost all of them Wanda!" I run my hand through my hair again "So yeah Wanda I'm scared.. I'm scared that I'll hurt you worse than I did. I'm scared that I'll lose you. And that pisses me off, because this!.." I electricity sparks on my finger as I throw a ball of electrical current at the wall "this wasn't even my fucking choice!" Wanda wipes the tears from her face and guilt over takes and I step closer "Wanda I'm so-" she flinches when I move toward her. I tilt my head at her and furrow my eyebrows "You're scared of me?" She looks at me and then down at her hands. Sadness overcomes me. I've done it. I've fucking done it. I've scared her away. 

I walk to the door quickly. I hear her call out before I close the door "Nicole wait!" I walk down to see Steve and AJ at the end of the Hallway moving to block my way "Get the hell out of my way Steve." I shove him, sending him flying against the wall, giving me room to move past AJ. I walk to the front door to see Elijah blocking it arms crossed. Tears begin to run down my face "Elijah get out of my way" he doesn't move "No." My eyes glow blue "Elijah!" he doesn't move, just before I move to get him out of my way I hear AJ behind me "Let her through Eli." He moves slightly, just enough to let me through, but not enough to want to let me go. I walk past him and run out the door. I don't know why, and I don't know where to, but I start running. I just run. I run until I can't run anymore. And then I run some more. I remember where I'm at. I sit in front of a tree and rest my head against it thinking back to the first time I was here. 

I came with AJ and Elijah. It was the first time Strucker let us out on our own. We went to the Ice cream shop just down the block. AJ couldn't remember what kind of ice-cream he liked, memory wiped and all that. He decided he wanted to try Wild'n'reckless. Elijah and I had stuck with plain old chocolate. We walked down to the park but along the way AJ tried his ice-cream and realized he didn't like it. He made this cute little sad face like a kid who lost their favorite toy. I felt bad for him and traded him ice creams, turns out I really like Wild'n'reckless. Either way we walked down to the park and we felt normal for the first time. That became a weekly tradition. We would go on mission and when we got back Strucker would let us go out. No matter how hard we tried, we always went back to the shop and got ice-cream, always going to sit at this very tree when we did.

I smile as I think back to those days. The ones when we felt normal.

I hear someone walking up to me, but have no will or motivation to protect myself. "We thought we might find you here." I let out a laugh and shake my head, not needing to look behind me to know it's AJ and Elijah. They come and sit to either side of me. They both stare at me for minutes and I sigh, lifting my arms. They lay down on the grass, their heads on my lap. I put my hands down and play with their hair. AJ smiles "Just like old times huh?" I roll my eyes "Yeah. Minus the ice-cream, and there's the fact that now we're free, in danger, and now have things to lose." Elijah laughs "Maybe we should move to Mexico. We don't have anything to lose there right?" We all laugh "No. No we don't." AJ looks up at me "You want to talk about it?" I look down rubbing his cheek with my thumb. I look back up resting my head against the tree. I let out a sigh "Which part? The fact that my girlfriend flinches when I get close to her, or the fact that I don't sleep anymore?" "I don't know they both sound like they suck." I smile

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