Tips for your 🔴

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🔴 Avoid spicy foods at all costs

🔴 Try not to wear tight clothes, its best to stay comfortable

🔴 Soda & coffee is a no 😔 (trust me i love them both)

🔴 Take warm showers :)

🔴 Eat chocolate hun, trust me it helps 😉

🔴 Buy/make a heat pack to soothe whatever pain you experience

🔴 Eat healthy it might make it shorter 😚

🔴 Don't eat food with salt 

🔴 Avoid nuts

🔴 Don't leave protection on for more than 4 hours 

🔴 Make tea or infused water instead of coffee or soda 

🔴 Wear 2 panties to sleep it wont go through 

🔴 Get as much sleep as you can

🔴 Eat a lot of fruit

🔴 Aim to drink 8 glasses of water

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