Chapter 1

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    It was any regular day, the weather in the Kingdom was beautiful, as it had always been every day. After all, it couldn't rain— the cookies would just disintegrate into a puddle of sugar after being exposed to such horrific weather. Herb Cookie and Cheesecake Cookie were walking together to the bar, Cheesecake's expensive heels tapping and scraping against the ground when she walked, causing Herb to cringe. She turned to the sunkissed cookie, his dark brown freckles gleaming due to the sun.
     "We get to see Sparkling yet another day...." She sighs heavenly, clasping her stubby cookie hands together. "You know, Herb, I don't even like alcohol that much. I just go to see that pretty little bartender do his cute little dances to the music as he serves up the drinks. Have you noticed how he shakes his ass to the music? Quite adorable, honestly."
       Herb laughed nervously, unsure of how to tell Cheesecake about his overwhelming feelings for the upbeat bartender as well. Cheesecake was one of his best friends, he couldn't lose her! And, he felt so guilty for being so in love with him. But, at the same time, he will often times find himself daydreaming about being with Sparkling, working together in the bar, their hands intertwined as one— it was almost too exciting for the little plant enthusiast to handle. He quickly shook the thought out of his head yet again, turning to look at the beautiful, rich cookie. He stood no chance against her. Besides, what if he isn't even into boys? Maybe it is just better he just kept these feelings to himself.
     "Yeah, I can't wait to see him. Best bartender ever! Love his drinks." He responded awkwardly, flinching at the weird look he gets from Cheesecake.
      "Are you okay? You're acting weird." She raised an eyebrow, almost.... intimidatingly. He was going to tell her, but not now. He wasn't going to ruin this for her. Or their friendship.
      "I'm fine! When am I not being weird?" He brushed it off, blaming it on his crippling social anxiety. Thank god it actually worked, because she thought nothing of it.
       Finally, after five more long, painful, awkward minutes of silence, the duo had made it to the bar. Both of their eyes lit up as they saw the orange cookie standing at the entrance. He waved at them with the cloth he had been using to wash wine glasses, grinning with his usual cheeky smile. "Come on in, you guys! I have a really big surprise~" He winked, guiding them further into the store. The two followed with no hesitation, a million thoughts racing in their heads as to what this surprise may be. He leads them to the bar hatch, where Mint Choco and Vampire are already sitting. They take their respective seats on their barstools, staring intently at Sparkling, waiting for the surprise. He steps atop the bar counter, almost knocking over an empty wine glass. "I would like to hire all of you! All four of you, actually!" He beams, ecstatic to hear their responses. Vampire doesn't look very enthusiastic. Go figure. He's the laziest cookie in the whole kingdom. However, the other three looked beyond excited.
Especially Herb and Cheesecake.
Cheesecake shot up, her pale white gloves appearing a purplish tint in the bar's colorful spotlights. She blinked slowly and innocently up at Sparkling. "I'd love to work for you, Sparkling...." She admits sweetly. He grins at her, a little bit off put and uncomfortable by the weird flirting she constantly did. He then turned insistently to Herb.
"What about you, sunshine?"
Herb felt as if his little cookie heart was going to pound out of his chest. Did he just call him sunshine? The shock was almost too much to handle, startling him enough to cause him to fall out of his barstool. He quickly stood back up, his face a flushed mess. "Of course, Sparkling! I'd love to work alongside you, always!" He noticed Sparkling's face light up a little, a light blush streaking across his orange cheeks. He quickly turned to Mint Choco to cover it up, however, the plant lover had still noticed. Maybe he did have a chance after all!
"Well, Mint Choco, what about you? Are you gonna join us?" Sparkling choked. Mint Choco silently nodded. He wasn't very fond of working at a bar, but he was one of Sparkling's regular guests, so it would only be polite to take this job. He gives a thumbs up, holding his violin close to his chest. He isn't much for words. Sparkling leaps with joy, happy to finally have some brand new workers. He won't be so overwhelmed now!
But, happiest of all, was Herb cookie, who may finally get a chance to be with the bartender after all.

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