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Lexi's POV:

It's the first day of school and I'm kinda freaking out. The last time I talked to Rue was at the winter formal I was kind of drunk so I don't really remember much from that night but I heard about what happened after Rue and Jules left and to be honest, I'm kind of mad a Jules for basically making Rue relapse. Jules knew that
she helped Rue with her addiction I even told her once but she still left.

Cassie and I were on our way to school and my fear must have shown on my face because I'm kinda bad a trying to hide my real reactions. "what's wrong you're pulling that face you make when you're nervous? It's just the first day of school nothing like we haven't been through before." Cassie said. But she was wrong this time it was different. "Nothings wrong," I said trying to act casual but failed. "Lex, you're my little sister I can tell when something is making you worry," Cassie pause for a second then quickly looked over at her sister. "is it about Rue?" I sighed and turned my head to look at Cassie. "I mean I heard she had gone through a ton of shit not sure if any of it is real or not but you know," Cassie said. "I'm just worried about her and all the stuff that went on with Jules it must have been hard for her," I said trying not to reveal how much I really cared for that stupid girl.

We got to school and Cassie gave me a pat on the shoulder. "It will be fine, relax," Cassie told me trying to calm me down but it didn't really work. I got out of the car and Cassie gave me a reassuring nod, I quickly waved goodbye and went to my locker. I hadn't seen Rue or Jules yet so I was still on edge. I went to the bathrooms to get away from the loud noise in the hallway. When I walked in and immediately regretted it because as I looked around I saw Rue standing there smoking a cigarette and tapping her foot on the tiles. "hey." I said awkwardly because that's all I was able to say. Rue put out her cigarette and looked anxiously over at me. "Hey um I'm really sorry," Rue said tearing up. "What do you have to be sorry for," I said giving Rue a concerned yet very confused look. "It just, um I haven't been the best friend to you and I feel really bad about that," the curly hair girl said trying not to hyperventilate while tears started to stream down her face. I walked up to Rue and gave her a tight hug trying to reassure her. "hey it's okay."I said while rubbing circles on her back and I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this. I pulled away and wiped a tear away from her cheek as we both giggled. Rue sighed and gave a little smile just as they both started to relax a certain blonde haired walked in. Suddenly everthing went quiet, I stepped back from Rue and looked at Jules. "uh hey Jules" I said trying to break the tension but if you wanted to you could still cut the tention with a knife. "Hey Lexi." Jules finally spoke. I looked at Rue who's breath started to speed up and just like that the sweet moment that Lexi enjoyed so much was over. Jules saw that the situation was difficult one I mean anyone who walked in could of and thank god, the bell for first period rang. "I better get going to class." I said trying to get out of there. both of the girls followed out we all went to our lockers. Mine and Rues locker where about 6 lockers apart and Jules locker was a fair distance away from ours. Got my stuff I needed out of my locker and gave Rue a nod while leaving for first and second period.

Finally it was lunch on my way Cassie walked with me."Hey Lex, everything good?" Cassie said. "yeah" Lexi said giving a short yet sweet answer. "Have you seen Rue yet is she alright?" Cassie said. "uh yeah she's seems good I didn't ask her about what happened cause I didn't really want to trigger her," I said not really wanting to tell my sister about what happend. "Well okay, see ya"

I made my way to the cafeteria and saw Rue sitting alone at a table, she looked up at me and gave a small smile I walked over to her and sat down. "Hey, are you okay"I said. "uh yeah this morning was a bit awkard right?"Rue giggled. "yeah" i giggled back. The rest of the lunch actally went along pretty normaly to my surpise. as the bell went for the to last periods me and Rue both got up and started walking to our lockers. "hey do you want to come over tonight" Rue said giving butterflies in my stomach. "yeah sure" I smiles as a walked off to class trying not to look like a total smiling idiot.

Word count: 870

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. Stay safe.

L <3

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