Lover, Please Stay

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[Jeff's POV]

What the fuck just happened?

"Oh my god he's gonna fuck me in the ass. I haven't fuckin' done that before fuuuck...SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"

Fuck. Okay, what time is it? What time is it?!

I grab the old-ass clock off my nightstand—9 AM. Okay, okay...I have like 12 hours maybe? Wait, shit, when is Death coming back? He never said a time, he just said 'tonight' like fuuuck what does that even mean, I was so busy looking at his stupid beautiful fucking eyes and his soft lips and hhhhhnnn...FUCK I'M GETTING OFF TRACK. I still have to bathe because I am so nasty goddamn dried cum is gross—like maybe even grosser than Corrupted guts (and those are super nasty).

Shower first. Then find some—semi—clean clothes. And then I have to p...prep myself. Oh god. I'm gonna have to go and fucking buy sex toys and lube and and...FUUUCK.

Focus on one fucking thing at a time!

I gather up clean clothes and go to the bathroom to finally wash up. As I let the hot water run over my body, I can't help but imagine what exactly Death might end up doing to me. I know I was kind of, uh...rough with him last night, but how would he treat me? This is all so new to me so all I can think about is how bright his eyes sparkle and shift in the light, how soft his skin looks and feels, how his lips curl into the cutest smile that feels so fitting. And then my mind wandered to the events of last night, to the sheer look of ecstasy on his features and the way he held me like his very being depended on it. Those wails of pleasure, those beautiful tears in his eyes—oh god dammit, I'm...

With a growl, I slammed my fist against the shower wall and reluctantly turned the dial onto the cold side. Not now...! I have to save my energy for later. I have a feeling I'm really going to need it.

After that miserable cold shower I got dressed in my now typical attire...and I was getting ready to go out when I noticed one of the windows looked kind of dusty so I cleaned it but then I noticed that the floor was fucking filthy so I cleaned that too and THEN—


Oh god what have I done.

I spent close to four fucking hours cleaning the hideout and while, yes it looks great now—hell, I mean you could eat off the floor—I STILL WASTED SO MUCH TIME CLEANING WHEN I COULD HAVE BEEN PREPPING TO GET ASSFUCKED—!

Calm. I am calm.

I, calmly, got my keys from the kitchen counter. Then I, calmly, ran outside screaming as I sprinted to my bike. I'm pretty sure I saw store...somewhere in the city. I could probably find it if I drove around!

Putting my helmet on, I started up the engine and set off downtown.

It was a little shop, and that somehow made me more nervous. What if there's already people in there? What if they look at me?! Shopping for toys?!

No, you're fine. You've got your glasses and facemask. It's go time.

I left my bike parked in front and tried my best not to rush inside like a maniac.

My god, there's more dicks in here than in a congress meeting!

Shelves in the middle of the store had dozens of boxes with god knows what in them, racks of lingerie lined one of the walls (most of it was for chicks though how fucking sexist), another wall had a bunch of paddles and ropes, and oh my god there's so many THINGS! I stood close to the door like an absolute dumbass for a few seconds before spotting a half-dead looking employee at the counter—holy shit are their eyes purple?

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