Sweet Birdie

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[Jeff's POV]

Another beautiful day. Clear skies, a nice breeze, and warm sun! Hell yeah. Life is fucking great right now, what can I say? I feel like one of those Disney princesses about to burst into song. Considering the nice day, I decided I would hang out in the yard to work on my bike, clean it up a bit and all that. Gotta make sure it stays a god damn beauty, just as shiny as the day I stole it. Ah, good times.

I grabbed myself a couple water bottles and snack foods alongside supplies for my bike. I spent a good hour tinkering away at my bike and then taking breaks to eat and enjoy all the wonderful things nature had to offer. Honestly, even the birds that normally would annoy me were making me grin.

Fuck I'm so giddy...! And I don't hate it. Every time I do anything, I can't help but think about Death and his cute face and his sexy voice and his floofy hair and...

I squealed out loud and covered my face with my hands. Agh, this is the fifth time just today that I do that...!

"Jeff? Are you alright, my little jaybird?" Death's sultry voice caught my attention immediately.

I whirled around in my seat and stood up next to my bike, feeling the goofy smile on my face. "Dee, baby, hey."

I stared at him, something I wish I could do all the time, and noticed he wasn't wearing his cloak. He must have ditched it for today since he wore his usual outfit that was always underneath; a cropped, regal-looking coat, his bodysuit (hella), the high-waisted pants and his knee high black boots. Even without his cloak though, he still had his silver emblem attached to the front of his collar. I always thought it was funny how Death's outfit looked so nice yet he covered it all up with that big, flowy cloak. Well, he could've worn other stuff underneath for all I know...maybe nothing at all, hehehe—.

"Um, haaa...I'm fine. I missed you." I brushed my hands off on my pants, only then did I notice Death holding something behind his back. "What's that?"

"It's a present..."

"For who???" I asked him, a little put off. Man, who the fuck is he giving presents to, what kind of dumb bitch—oooh wait a minute...I'm the dumb bitch.

"You dullard," Death grumbled before he thrust the present into my chest.

Holy shit this is the worst wrapped gift I've ever received—and that's saying something because one year for Christmas, Ben gave me a bunch of hentai mangas wrapped up in rolling papers for joints...I'm pretty sure he was high for that entire year now that I think about it. Man...he really had a major drug problem, huh? Ah, well. That bastard ended up stealing back the mangas anyway. Moving on...!

Red wrapping paper was haphazardly taped around whatever the fuck was under all of it. I had no idea what it could be. I tried to unwrap the mess but couldn't get through all the tape. How much did he use???

"I'm not sure if you'll like it...I'm still not used to gift giving," he murmured reluctantly.

"Dee, you didn't even have to give me anything, this is really sweet."

I had to take out my knife to cut and stab through all the material. Finally I got to what was under it all and...oh boy.

In my hands was a display frame that was covered in macaroni noodles which was neatly placed with a terrifying organization around the border. Pink construction paper was smoothed over onto the background and on top of the paper was silver and pink glitter letters. Well, more like numbers. It read...oh god:

"1st 69 ☺"

And on the bottom corner was a name signed 'Dee' with a scribbled version

of Death's emblem next to it with a little tongue sticking out. Oh sweet Jesus.

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