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Marina's POV

The last day of school isn't particularly sad, just odd. I'm not close with many people there, and I have people's numbers and social medias just in case.

I spend part of the day with Lizzy and her friends which is an extremely odd encounter. I seem to fit in with them, and Lizzy shows me attention regardless of whether or not her friends are watching. Even though only Ashley knows, it felt like Blake and Alex had caught on. But Lizzy didn't mind.

We didn't kiss in front of them or anything, but it felt enough. And I've never been one for PDA.

But the rest of the school day I spend with my friends, getting food and just hanging out, because the tests are over and there isn't much else to do on the last day.. I decide that I'm going to tell them my real name, but only when it feels right.

"You think so too?" Lizzy asks, I make a confused face, then realise I wasn't listening. She's driving me home from school because she's so very sweet.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking about school and  finishing it. What did you say?" I ask her, she rolls her eyes

"Well next time I'm not gonna repeat myself.. but this time I'll let you off." She makes me smile "I just asked if you thought being with my friends was kinda nice, because I did."

"Yes, I really did" I hold her hand on the gearstick, mine on top of hers. "it felt like they knew. Did that make you feel any type of way?"

"Not any bad way.. I felt nervous but that's it"

"You handled it extremely well, darling" I look at her and can't not smile. She's so beautiful, and so mine.

" 'Darling'.. what's come over you?" She glances at me a second and smiles too "you're getting brave, huh?"

"Well I just think it's the end of one part of life and the start of a new one.. One in which I can call you 'darling' without you freaking out" I tease, she laughs a little

"Mmh well don't be so sure." She jokes. I just look at her until she realises "what?"

"You know you don't have anyone to act for anymore."

"Please, I'm not acting.." she looks back at the road. I stroke her hand with my thumb

"Well I think you're lying. I know you're secretly not tough, and honestly I thought it was old news to us that you weren't."

"Just.. Be quiet. I'm taking you for ice cream"

"I don't know why you bother to act tough when you're so sweet to me, and feel for me as much as you do." I say, she sighs a little.

"Fine. I'm not tough, but I am for anyone but you."

"How cliche" I smile, she rolls her eyes. "I hope that this little attitude stays. I'm finding it very cute."

"I'm not. It's irritating you see through me"

"I think it's healthy for you" I raise my shoulders a little, she makes a noise of consideration. "You'd get bored of me if I was just.. hassle free."

"I would" she pauses "you look so pretty by the way."

"Thank you" I smile. Her little impromptu compliments always make me happy "Do you like my nails?" I ask, she looks at our hands on the gearstick. My nails are light blue with with little sunflowers on.

"I do. The flowers are cute.. Blue is cute on you, makes you look super Greek" she smirks a little, I laugh

"Do I not already look Greek, with my boobs and dark colorings?"

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