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Marina's POV

Before school, me and my friends decide to go get iced coffee. I went with Jess and Stella, I pay for them too, just because I like them so much.

"You know you should probably speed up, we're running late" I tell Jess from the back, holding the back of her seat.

"Since when do you care about punctuality.. didn't you skip class like last week or the week before? I thought you were becoming more rebellious" Jess jokes, I smile

"I don't know about that.." I lie.

I want to get to English as soon as possible so I can see Lizzy.

"She has English first remember" Stella jokes, I cringe a little. I hate them being in my mind.

Talking about your crushes and who you're into is all part of being in an all girl friendship group, I know. But I don't like it, and they're so intrusive sometimes. I love them of course, I just don't like talking about Lizzy with them.

"Oh you're excited to see Lana.." I hear a smile in Jess' voice. I think the worst part about them talking to me about Lizzy is how there's no point in me denying my huge crush on her because it's so blatantly obvious. So I have to just go with it.

"You're just jealous. And besides, she's pretty and thinks like I do. You should read some of her poetry, her symbolism is beautiful and she.." I stop myself. I sound too into her. I've passed the point of satisfying their teasing so should stop giving more.

"And her body's hot" Jess points out... it does irritate me that she's so into Lizzy when Lizzy is quite clearly mine.

"I'm not gay but, I don't know, her boobs are kind of small" Stella mutters.

I kind of want to strangle her. But I won't, of course. It's best just to stay quiet in situations like these, that way I can't give too much or too little and make myself look suspicious.

"No way, that's all part of her hotness. Her boobs suit her, and they're a good shape" Jess explains, objectifyingly.

"Can we not.." I mumble... So much for staying quiet.

"Why? Is it turning you on?" Jess giggles

"It's weird" .. I'm very aware I'm acting strange.

"Come on we talk about boobs all the time, what's the difference?"

"Lana" I say, even though it doesn't feel right to call her that anymore. "She's like.. a real person"

"One you have a crush on" Stella looks into the back at me "if you really like her, ask her out"

Now I act as if nothing at all has gone on between us, as though she's still as straight as she thought she was.

"She's straight" I say, she seems to think a second. I raise my eyebrows for her input

"Well I'm straight and was just as straight when we-"

"That's different" I laugh.. yeah.. I have kissed Stella a few times in the course of our friendship. And gave her what she calls 'the best climax of her life'. Which I'm still very proud of. Even though Lizzy is my absolute world.

"You can turn straight girls gay, I'm sure you've done it before Electra.. nothing to worry about" Jess pulls into a space in the school car park "I suggest we get to lesson fast, we're a few minutes late"

"Thanks for taking us to school and to get coffee" I lean into the front and kiss her cheek

"You're welcome, I'm sorry it stopped you from seeing Lana a few minutes more"

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