Chapter 3

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Draco's pov

Draco Malfoy wished he was anywhere but here. Except perhaps Hogwarts or anywhere in England, for that matter. You know what, this is the best place he could be right now, no matter how awkward the silence is.

He internally sighed and glanced at the boy sitting beside him. Longbottom may have killed Nagini, a feat he still did not understand how he accomplished, but he had clearly still not gotten rid of all his nervous energy. Looking at the way he was fidgeting with his hands, it was clear that it was uncomfortable to be in such close vicinity to a death eater. Former Death eater, he corrected himself with relief.

He sighed once more, and he could hear Longbottom shift awkwardly. "Look Longbottom, if we are going to do this then we should clear the air between us," he exclaimed abruptly startling the other boy so that he jumped two feet high in the air. If Draco was still as immature as he had been in his fifth year, he might have snickered at the look on his face. But honestly, he just could not find the motivation to be amused. He was too wary of this entire thing.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Draco could practically see Longbottom cursing himself internally for stuttering. It seems some habits die hard. A small part of him almost felt some sick satisfaction at the nervousness the pudgy boy was feeling.

"What I mean is that – I'm sorry. I'm sorry okay," he rushed to say. "It was wrong of me to make fun of you all the no matter how much victimized yourself and I was wrong to accept all my father told me blindly. I regret that I gave you such a hard time and let those death eaters in the school. Even if you don't forgive me, I've said my piece."

Draco looked away from Longbottom's astounded face. His eyes were wide, and he was gaping unceremoniously. Such uncouth mannerism, his mother would have said. Of course, his mother was the one that pleaded with Dumbledore to choose him as one of the exchange students. She told him that it surprisingly didn't take much convincing on her side. It made Draco suspicious of what the old coot was planning. It was surprising that Dumbledore wasn't sorted into Slytherin himself. He was most definitely manipulative enough.

The clearing of a throat brought him out of his musings. He deliberately straightened out his facial expressions and turned to meet the other's gaze. "You're right," Longbottom started. "We are going to be the only ones who know each other in the school. So, we should let bygones be bygones. I accept your apology." He held out his hand and Draco tentatively shook it.

For the rest of the trip, they didn't talk much but the initial awkwardness in the air had also dissipated. He did not have any illusions that they were friend suddenly but there wasn't as much animosity between them either. Truthfully, Draco may have bullied Longbottom in his earlier years, but he didn't really pay much attention to him individually as he did with Potter.

Soon enough the tell-tale sound of the carriage hitting the ground signalled that they had reached their destination. He swung open the door and gracefully strode out of the small carriage. Longbottom also stumbled out from behind him while he coolly gazed at the Ilvermorny castle. It was grand with white walls and numerous towers erupting out of the main building. He couldn't even see from where some of the towers came from.

All in all, it was a majestic sight, although it lacked the ominous feeling that Hogwarts never failed to wash over him. From the very few muggle fairy tales he had read, this castle was very akin to it.

"Mr Longbottom and Mr Malfoy, I assume." In a flash, a witch was in front of them. "Yes?" came the voice of Longbottom.

The witch's spectacled eyes scrutinised the two boys, men, in front of her. "I am Professor Eleanor Gewirtz and I shall be your Ancient Runes teacher should you choose to take it." Professor Gewirtz- as she had introduced herself was a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties. She had a pointy face and auburn hair that was bound in a high bun. Her eyes were soft brown contradicting the cold edge in her tone.

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