Chapter 9: The Quarrel

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Her room was pink, her bed was pink, her walls were pink, everything was pink, the girl lay on her bed, crying.

Skye: I hate this place. I HATE IT

There was knock on her door

Knock knock

???: It's me, can I come in?

Skye tackled her tears with a handkerchief, and got up

Skye: Yes

The girl opened the door, to reveal redhead, the girl who she could trust

Everest: ''Are ya having another breakdown?'' she said calmly

Skye: Yeah...

Eve folded Skye's blanket, and took the book standing on her bed

Everest: Ya not gonna touch this book, am I clear?!

Skye: It's the only thing I have left of him

Everest: Ya saying that like he's dead

Skye: Eve, I'll never see him again!

Everest: Yah don't know that

Skye: Hm do you think Jess is going to let me see him?!

Everest: No but, stop!

She spotted Skye putting her clothes in her suitcase

Skye: Eve, come on! I hate this place!

Everest: I'm not gonna let yah run away again,

Skye: He's my family, I love him way more than her!

Everest: I know you don't like Jess but, we're your family as well

Skye: Step!

Everest: We all love ya, it doesn't matter what genes yah have, It's just the people who surround ya.

Skye: Wow everyone says that, and they say I'm mad

Everest: Yah kinda are...

Skye: What?!

Everest: Who carries a hammer and hits people with it?

Skye: Duh Thor

Everest: We're not In some kinda movie Skye, and he doesn't hit people with it, he shoots lasers with it

Skye: You mean thunder

Everest: Ya

Everest: Eh anyway, stop bein a slop and come out and bake som' cookies!

Skye: I'm not a child and I already had a huge stack at Chase's house

Everest: I know! why don't you visit him?

Skye: I don't think so...

Everest: ''C'mon! I see the way yah look at him'' she nudged her

Everest: Eh eh?

Skye: ''I don't like him!'' she lied

Skye: We're just... friends

Everest: Friends who always look into each other's eyes, and find a way to ki-

Skye: Ah what about you and Marshall?

Everest: Ere... we think we spend a lot of time together so we-


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