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"Is she maybe... Your mate?"

A faint whimper echoed throughout the silent room as Scarlett's eyes fluttered open, a sense of unfamiliarity surrounding her form. She guided her eyes over the roof that was directly above her eyes, trying to figure out what had happened before she was naturally woken up from her sleep. Ignoring the feebleness washing over her entire body she lifted herself onto her forearms, looking around the alien setting she hadn't been before. She tried to take in every single detail about what was inside the room, thinking it could come in hand if she was to tell what happened to her later. Her mind was trying to convince her that she had been kidnapped, but the open door and windows didn't seem to entirely add with the theory.

The room was huge. To her, it seemed a little bit bigger than Lora's and her rooms combined altogether, which was a very large space. She was resting on a king sized bed covered in beautiful royal blue sheets, the blanket keeping her in a warmth that was just right. Majority of the chamber was empty space which she thought that helped the large pure white armoire to stand out more. It was a well-matched modern touch to the area inside the four dark blue walls. The shine it had accorded with the bedside tables along with the white sofa that was placed in the corner of the room, on the exact opposite side to the large windows which opened to a breathtaking view of the forest stretching beyond where eyes could see.


Was she in the middle of a forest?

A sudden panic emerged from Scarlett's inside upon the realization and she hastily got down from the cozy mattress to run towards the window to make sure what she saw from the bed wasn't a trick of her mind. It certainly wasn't. She really was in the middle of nowhere, inside who knows whose house. The question didn't last long once there was a soft noise from behind the girl which caused her to turn to it immediately, her arms stiffening in defense.

"Vincent?" She voiced in a surprising and shocked manner seeing the person entering through the door.

"How are you feeling now?" His voice was calm as ever, not radiating a glimpse of panic or anything along the lines of that. He seemed to know what was going on with everything, as always. Despite of the fact that him not giving any malevolent vibes, Scarlett refused to trust him this time given her current situation.

"Where am I and why am I here?" She didn't respond to his question but posed more of her own, her gaze shooting burning lasers right through Vincent's head.

"You don't remember do you?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he sat on the edge of the bed, his arms being folded across his torso while thinking deeply about the missing piece of the puzzle.

"What do you mean?"

"Everything that happened in the forest. Do you remember any of it? Meeting Rowan, getting injured and even almost trying to kill me." The profiler tried again.

"What the hell are you talking about Vincent?!" Her eyes widened at the unbelievable words flying out of his lips. She couldn't come into terms with what he was saying.

"Wait let me try again." Vincent sighed in defeat, deciding to give in to the girl and narrate everything that happened in the forest, before he brought the unconscious girl into the place where they were at that moment. He closed his eyes for a moment to recollect his thoughts on the incident.

"Is she maybe... Your mate?"

"I said back off Rowan or else I'll kill you like I should've last time." Vincent felt the last strings of his patience being cut one after the other, getting ready to fight the ferocious rogue if he had to.

"You mean the time you almost died?" Finally Rowan stopped gawking at the wolf behind and focused on the man in front, hoping to scare him off with an intense gaze.

"Get lost before you're sorry." Vincent took one step forward and said threateningly, a tense silence lingering between the two for a couple of long seconds before Rowan decided to get away from there, a wise decision he had made considering the mindset of Vincent at that moment. He didn't want to fight with the injured wolf just behind him, not risking the chances of scaring it off before even getting to know first.

"See you later Vincent." He said when he took off into the darkness of the woods, leaving the profiler and the pitch black wolf behind.

Vincent wasted no time to turn to the creature and check its injured leg, earning a low grunt from it at the unfamiliar touch.

"Hey it's me Vincent." He tried to make the wolf recognize him, shockingly failing at the task that he was sure to succeed in. "Why aren't you..." He muttered to himself in puzzlement when the wolf started slowly limping towards him with its sharp teeth full on display, as if it was strolling towards its daily prey. "Don't make me harm you Scarlett..." Vincent gulped, his options to control the wolf being extremely limited given the situation. Yet the wolf didn't seem to understand him as its steps didn't stop, giving the profiler to make a hard decision as a solution to the problem he was facing. "Scarlett please..."

Everything happened so fast. The creature jumped on the guy with what sounded like a battle cry to attack him, using its legs to pin down the man's arms so he won't be able to use them against it. Vincent had to use all his force to protect himself and to protect the angry wolf from his own hands that he struggled to keep to himself, his usual counter attacks kept hidden in order to ensure he won't be harming the wolf that was now on him trying to kill him thinking he was a threat to its existence. However, Vincent knew the exact places which served as nervous points of the wolf that he could use to put the fierce animal into a deep slumber for enough time for him to save his life from the danger and take care of the rest as well. Though it took a little longer than he thought, he managed to finally succeed in his mission.

The wolf got knocked out.

"What are you trying to say?" Scarlett's voice started to tremble at the events that the guy in front of her had elaborated on, refusing to believe any of it.

"Do you really not know Scarlett? Or are you just trying to deny what's clearly in front of your very own eyes?" He understood the situation ever so perfectly yet again, seeing through the tough mask that the detective had put on.

"I'm not denying anything. There's nothing to deny." She seemed to have convinced herself that everything was normal as it was when she had first started her late night work in the police station the previous day. "Now you tell me what I'm doing here or I'llㅡ"

"Save it." He cut her off harshly, a mocking scoff leaving his lips. "It is and it will be the truth whether you like it or not Scarlett." It was evident that he too was starting to get impatient. The truth be told, he never expected it to be easy to confront Scarlett about this matter anyway.

"So what exactly the truth are you talking about huh?" She threw her hands in the air to express how confused and frustrated she was. She wasn't going to give in that easily. She had lived her whole life believing in science and she wasn't ready to accept something that defied every known rule of it, just because someone she barely knew was telling her to do so.

"You know very well what I'm talking about." The guy stood up from the mattress that he was seated on and faced her straightforwardly, Scarlett being watched very closely under his powerful scrutiny.

"What, that you're a werewolf? Is that what you want me to accept as the 'truth'?"

"Since you want to act like you don't know what's going on, I'll make it easier for you and tell what you're fearing to say." Vincent became more serious, if that was even possible, and took one slow step towards her in an intimidating manner, speaking out the exact words that Scarlett was dreading to put her faith in. "I want you to accept the truth that...

... You are a werewolf."

Y'all were dead quiet in the few previous updates *-*

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