2 Gazes

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A few hours later, I was now on my way to the place where I would meet BF/N. Interestingly enough, it was a university campus. I had not expected that. But I also didn't really know what to expect.

Having never watched wrestling, I had no idea how it was done or how long such a show was. All I knew was that BF/N always loved it. She attended such a show several times a month. 

When I thought about it like that, I almost had to laugh. She was a big fan of wrestling and I, have never seen it. It was funny that we didn't go to an event together before or at least watch it on TV.

I guess the life as an adult is just busy and since we didn't live in the same state until recently, it naturally didn't help either. Somehow I was now looking forward to this evening after all, because whether I enjoyed it or not, I could at least spend a few hours with BF/N once again. In person and not only over the phone or Skype.

Arriving at Full Sail University, I parked the car and followed the signs pointing the way to the entrance. I looked around and it didn't take long until I spotted BF/N. With quick steps she came towards me. Immediately she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so happy to see you, Y/N! Are you excited already? I'm so excited to see how you'll find it!" she said joyfully.

"I'm glad to see you, too. I'm kind of excited, but on the other hand, I'm still a little hesitant if this is really for me. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't do it," I replied.

"Yeah, I know! I really think you'll like it. The atmosphere, the energy, the chants. It's something special. You'll see." she explained and I saw her eyes sparkle. She really loved this with her heart and soul.

"Okay, let's go then!" I replied with a smile.

After going through security and to our seats, it wasn't long before the show started. BF/N was right. As soon as the music started playing, the mood in the arena changed instantly. The air was vibrating with positive energy, it was almost like you could touch it. I would not have thought it was possible.

The first two matches were really hard to watch. Every time one of the athletes hit the mat, I winced. The sound mixed with the sight of the faces filled with pain was hard to bear.

Again and again I had to tell myself that it was not as bad as it looked. That the men and women had trained all their lives for this and that they were tough. 

Whenever clips were shown, I took the opportunity to take a deep breath and relax. Thanks to BF/N, that worked out great. She must have seen on my face how hard it was for me to watch. Repeatedly she assured me that everything was fine. 

Then the next music played already. According to the announcer, it was now the turn of a tag team match. While the first team made its way to the ring, I asked BF/N about what I would expect now. She sighed and explained to me quickly what would happen now. I knew she was a little annoyed by my constant questions, but she did her best not to let it show.

I turned my gaze back to the ring and looked at the two men in the ring. Suddenly I noticed that one of the two seemed to be looking at me. I quickly pushed that thought away. There were so many people around us. He certainly wasn't looking at me. And yet I could not help but smile.

Then he smiled, too. Was it... was it possible that he was really looking at me? 

"BF/N? Who is the one on the left?" I asked her. I had to lean in close so she could understand me despite the noise.

"Oh, that's Kyle O'Reilly." she replied shortly.

"Oh okay." I said, returning my gaze to the ring. Again our eyes met. His partner was trying to talk to him, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Uhhh... did you find something you like, Y/N?" asked BF/N with a grin.

"What? No!" said I defensively.

"Oh yeah, you did. And by the looks of it, Kyle seems to like you too." she teased. By now the match was in full swing. But this time I somehow found it easier to look. Even though I didn't want to admit it, he was really cute.

"You know, Y/N, Mr. O'Reilly seems a little distracted today." said BF/N to me after a few minutes.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"First, he still stares at you every chance he gets. Second, he's usually much more focused and doesn't look at the audience as much." she explained.

"I told you he wasn't looking at me, BF/N!" I replied.

"Really? Wink at him and see what happens." She urged me.

"I can't do that," I said shyly, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yes, you can! Stop being so shy all the time, damn it!" she replied firmly.

I thought about it for a moment and then decided to just do it. After all, since I wasn't meant, no one would notice. But when a bright smile spread across Kyle's face, I almost fainted. 

Oh my God! Oh my fucking God! That was just a coincidence, wasn't it? My head was racing like crazy as I tried to comprehend what was happening. I barely caught the fact that he was able to score the win.

To my displeasure, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket just as their music began to play. I pulled it out and quickly looked to see what was going on.

"Oh no!" I muttered.

"What's wrong?" asked BF/n anxiously.

"It's an email from my boss. He needs one more short article for tomorrow because another article can't be published. I have to go. I'm sorry," I said sadly.

"That really sucks, but I get it. Will you call me tomorrow?" she replied with disappointment.

"Of course. Have fun." I said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheeks and then making my way out of the arena.

As I walked through the aisles towards the exit, my eyes fell on the stand with the fan merchandise. In a flash, I decided to buy one of the Undisputed Era shirts. I normally didn't do stuff like that, but I wanted to have something to remember this evening.

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