10 Tension

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Because Kyle was out of town for the weekend, he insisted on cooking for me tonight. It was really cute how much effort he put in. Whenever there was a chance during the day he called me.

It was good that I could organize my time freely while writing. Since the office was usually noisy, crowded and hectic, I preferred to work at home. It was really convenient for us.

After making things official between us on Sunday, Kyle wasted no time. That very day he introduced me to his father and then to his sister via video chat. He said that he wanted to let them participate in his life as much as possible. And since his mother was no longer with us, it was even more important for him to keep close contact with them.

Apparently he had even told them about the mystery woman in the audience that he couldn't forget. I thought it was wonderful that the family had such a close relationship with each other.

Still, every now and then I heard the little voice in my head asking if it wasn't all going too fast with us. I also talked to BF/N about it and she managed to ease my doubts. She said as long as it made me happy and Kyle and I liked each other, everything would fall into place.

The only thing that made me constantly uneasy was that the internet and all social media were full of photos of Kyle and me. And then the comments and memes. I knew it would be best to ignore it, but I just couldn't. 

These people just seemed to be everywhere. The images from the show when Kyle first approached me I understood. That happened in front of rolling cameras. But then pictures of our date at the roller skating rink started showing up. Just everything, how I had fallen down, our almost kiss, how we were in the arcade.

And then even photos outside the gym and of walking the dogs. There were even photos of us having drinks with some of Kyle's friends on Wednesday after the show.

Kyle assured me that people would calm down soon and there wouldn't be as many photos circulating. But that didn't change the fact what it did to me when I saw those photos.

My hands began to sweat, my heart raced and I felt like I was breathing through a drinking straw. Anxiety, panic.

As best I could, I tried to hide these feelings from Kyle, afraid he would think I was crazy or paranoid. He was sure that the interest would not last long, so I tried to trust him and not let my feelings overwhelm me.

That was much easier when I saw Kyle's face. Then a calmness and relaxation flowed through me as if these thoughts had never been there.

As I stood in front of his door and rang the doorbell, I could hardly wait to feel that calmness again. Strangely, I did not hear the dogs barking. Oh well. It took a few seconds until Kyle opened the door and greeted me with a beaming smile. I wasn't even through the door when he pulled me into his arms and gave me a long, tender kiss.

"Hey there," he said after we broke away from each other.

"Hey handsome. Where are your shadows?" i wanted to know, because usually the two puppies were always where Kyle was.

"Oh they're in the backyard. I usually do that when I'm cooking, because otherwise they always run around between my legs and want treats." he explained as he took my hand and led me into the kitchen.

"Wow, it smells heavenly. What are you making?" I asked.

"Oh just mac and cheese in the oven and a salad to go with it." said Kyle.

"I love mac and cheese." I replied, licking my lips.

"Seems like I made the right choice, huh? Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I'll bring the food over to the couch." said Kyle afterwards.

"Okay. Are you sure you don't need any help?" I wanted to know.

"Yep, now move your cute butt." replied Kyle, winking at me.

After we had eaten, Kyle let the dogs back into the house. Immediately I was greeted enthusiastically by the two of them. But then I noticed the expression on his face.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just, I feel like my dogs love you more than me." he pouted, making a heartbreaking face.

"Aww, is someone a little jealous?" I teased him.

"Maybe. I think I need attention." said Kyle, batting his eyelashes.

"Come here, you cute little baby." I replied, reaching out my hands to him.

Immediately he scooted closer to me and lost no time to kiss me. First only a few pecks, but then his kisses became deeper and more passionate. It was not long before we both gasped for breath. Our hands explored each other's bodies while Kyle's lips slowly glided along my neck.

I pushed against his shoulders to get him to lie on his back and he did. How long we lay there and made out, I did not know. I only noticed how the light changed and with it the mood in the room.

Abruptly Kyle detached his lips from mine and looked at me with dark lust-filled eyes.

"What do you say, let's move this into the bedroom, baby?" he asked me in a raspy sexy voice.

"That sounds like a great idea. Let's go. I want a closer look at those thighs." I whispered with a smirk.

"Oh you can do anything you want, baby." he replied with a groan. 

Kyle sat us up and then lifted me bridal style into his arms and carried me to his bedroom. Once there he kicked the door shut so the dogs couldn't follow us.

The tension between us reached a new high and we both needed relief. And this was for sure the best way to release tension and pent up feelings.

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