chapter 25

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Getting a flat with Harry in the city is easily the best decision that Louis has ever made. Hands down, no contest. It’s not that he doesn’t like living with Liam during the semester and sleeping in his childhood bedroom on break, it’s just that roomates suck and twin beds are small and a flat to themselves meant Harry was free to roam about in as little clothing as his nudist heart desired. It was a win-win situation for everyone involved, really.

And there were so many new sides to the curly-haired masterpiece that he got to see now. The little quirks were endlessly fascinating to Louis; he would probably never get tired of discovering that Harry put the milk in before the cereal, and folded his dirty clothes before putting them in the hamper, and the billion other stupid, charming little things.

The food wasn’t bad either.

“This omelet is incredible,” Louis declared with no reserves whatsoever after exactly three bites. Finals were in full swing and they had been in their new flat for all of a week, still weaving through boxes to get around. It may as well be paradise.

“Yeah? You know there’s vegetables in it, right?”

“That’s low, Haz. I trusted you.”

“I think you’ll forgive me for putting sweet peppers in your ‘incredible’ omelet,” Harry snorted with a roll of his eyes, just before muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, “Drama queen…”

“I’ll consider it. Maybe. If I’m feeling gracious, and if you present a good case for your defense,” replied Louis archly, continuing to shovel egg and apparently vegetables into his mouth.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you, Your Majesty,” Harry teased. He made his way around their little kitchen table and wormed his gangly frame into Louis’ lap. His lips peppered silent little kisses on Louis’ jaw. “I have some ideas for things I could do to apologize,” he murmured.

Phenomenal nature of the omelet aside, it was just going to have to go cold if Harry was going to keep whispering and pressing close to Louis like this. His pulse was speeding up already. “Oh yeah?”

“Mmhmm… I have a very active imagination.”

“That you do, love. Want to share any of these ideas?”



“If you really want to know…”

“I really, really do.”

“I was thinking I could get you some orange juice to go with that veggie omelette.”

Harry’s eyes are bright with amusement at his own joke, and it makes Louis burst into laughter. “Yeah, that sounds perfect. Always so thoughtful, you are!” he returned cheerily.

One quick peck on the lips and Harry’s off his lap and shuffling to the kitchen, looking a bit ridiculous in the sweats of Louis’ that are far too short for him and still looking every bit as handsome as the day Louis’ met him. He returns with the promised orange juice in hand and a pleasant little smile on his face.

“Here you go,” he says, handing it to Louis. “I love you.”

He might have said ‘the sky is blue’ or ‘grape jam is my favorite,’ for all of the fanfare he gave the little phrase. He didn’t even look at Louis directly, focusing on his own plate with that same careful, pleasant little smile.

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