Ch. 14 - Moon

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He walked out of his room in his normal school uniform- usually people would be allowed to wear extra things for these events. Anything that made them feel confident except for the obvious, his school uniform had strategy behind it. A few of his classmates came to find him as well, as to which he bowed to them in apology. "I apologize for not attending anything today. I was tired." which gained a knowing nod from Juumonji. Miyuki had already been in the stadium and in her seat with Mayumi, it made him eager to see them however, he couldn't let her cloud his mind. Maelstrom piped up in his mind, "I cracked the limiter more while you were getting dressed.. it should allow you to access more memories of combat." which gained a mental response from Hiro.

Walking across the path to the stadium, the group he had come with began to depart from him. It was night time, with the moon peering out from the clouds to reveal a bright and full moon staring into the stadium. As soon as he entered, he took his exit place before they were all told to step out. The stadium had bright lights beaming down as he covered his eyes, letting them adjust before removing his arm from his eyes. Everyone was given a kendo stick, and they were informed of more.. released standards in this event. To make this event longer, you were able to stay in for longer if you followed the rules, now if your tendon were to be touched by the kendo stick, you wouldn't be able to use that limb specifically.

Hiro was stationed in the middle to even everything out however, that didn't help with all eyes from the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, and ninth peering at him. First high didn't know his still level- all they knew is that he was the only one to sign up for it, and only one could. The lights began to go off, with a static waiting sound flying until it hit a light chiming sound, which caused the match to begin. Those from fourth, fifth, and sixth, all charged Hiro with ferocious intent, three strikes attempting to come down all at once as he slammed his foot into the ground and propelled himself into a flip away from it. This caused them to begin fighting each other, with the fifth and fourth being eliminated by the sixth.

His kendo stick was sheathed in a different manner than most, after all, if the blade was shorter he often thought to draw it from behind him. The sixth student charged at him as he bolted under him, slamming his kendo stick into the leg of the young male as he then fell forward. Hiro saved him by putting his arm under his torso before he hit the ground- and lightly tapping their back with the edge of his kendo stick in the back of the neck. This would be an immediate kill shot if it was a real sword, so it eliminated the student from the match. Something about Hiro was completely different from his usual demeanor, a sort of bloodlust, or will to succeed. It was him and the third high student now, he hadn't noted it earlier but, his arm tendon was tapped by the sixth student in the charge in consequence, he put the kendo stick in his right hand and his left hand behind his back.

"Something wrong?" The third high student asked in his deep voice, and he was sure enough taller than Hiro, maybe about the size of Tatsuya, and slightly bulkier. "Left long-head tendon would've been severed had that sixth student had a real sword.." He replied as the third student then tapped his own left long-headed tendon, evening the playing field. "Real swordsmen show honor to their opponents, and show our full skill." with that being said, the kendo stick was brought up in front of the face of the third high student, and Hiro following him. It was to show respect for each other before they combatted each other. "No holding back." He said as Hiro nodded, with the stand off beginning, both sides moving at each other. The young man was especially adept in 'O Gasumi', which was a standard katana stance, however it wasn't him that trained in it. The previous holder did. As the third high student brought the kendo stick down, Hiro pulled his arms through his coat sleeves, as to which the taller male only hit the coat.

He brought his kendo stick up and slammed it into the base of the kendo stick, cracking and snapping it before tapping the man in the chest with the stick. Due to the swing from earlier, the taller male was already off balance thus, fell onto his rear. It was pretty clear that he won, so he flipped the kendo stick to the other side and let the man use the hilt as he yanked him up. "Good swing, it'd be a little better if you tried to work more on the faster end of it all though... speed is everything when it comes to true swordmanship, especially with the Japanese customs.." Hiro told him as the man then nodded, "You're very fast.. who did you learn from?" he didn't have an answer so the first thing that came to mind: "I'm self-taught." pushed in. Putting a hand up to his chin he looked down at the boy, "That would make sense considering that your strike didn't pack quite a punch.. you have some to work on yourself." he nodded and shrugged.

After the match rounded off, it was the end of the days events, with everyone heading to dinner. Hiro collected his jacket off of the ground, sliding it on before dusting any residue from the ground off of it. With that being said, he headed to where the banquet would wait, eventually finding Miyuki with her group of friends. "Sorry for missing your match, Miyuki. I was able to catch it in my room though!" He said as he slowed down beside her, as to which she gave an understanding smile. "What did you think..?" she asked the boy before he looked at her, "I mean.. you looked astonishing in that yukata." which gained a warm smile from her. "Did you uh.. want to spend a little more time together for tonight?" looking at the taller male was quite simple as she then said, "I would like that." thus continuing into the banquet hall once again.

Spending time together was something that Hiro longed for as they stood together, "I was hoping everything would turn out okay while I was asleep.. looks like it went perfectly." he while standing there, watching the women crowd over Tatsuya. "Quite the ladies man.. something I wouldn't be." a grunt came from him as he looked down and Miyuki tugged his coat a little bit, "I wouldn't say that you are a ladies man but, you are definitely charming. and well-mannered. I'd imagine some royalty would want you, or someone's high family in the government." he began to think to himself, "but I really only want you.. you are the Snow Queen after all." as to which she pulled him out of his deep thought. "Is there something wrong..?" she asked, so he shook his head lightly, "No- it's nothing."

A smile came across her face, "You're a very caring person but, when do you take time for yourself?" she asked him as Maya and Miya's manipulative words came into play. "I take time with you.. that's my time for myself." He said lightly as he then realized what exactly he said, looking away with a light blush. The smile on her face grew to a grin as she moved her hand down to his hand, "Always thinking about others even when taking time for yourself.. you are very kind.." she said as her eyes looked up into his red eyes. "I don't mind you spending time to wind down with me.. I think it's sweet of you. Just like my brother would calm me down.. you would do the same, and I would do the same for you both." this caused his face to get even redder as he then pulled his hand away quickly.

It was easy to tell that he was embarrassed at the fact that he wouldn't tell her, and at the fact that she was so easily working her roots into his mind. Miyuki was the daughter of Miya, someone who could use mental interference magic, therefore she genetically could use it herself however, the wording and precision was from that of Maya Yotsuba herself. Tatsuya walked over as he saw Miyuki smiling with her eyes closed at Hiro, and him looking down and away with a blush on his face. A slight smirk came across his face as he then said- "Miyuki, Hiro, it's about time to be heading back to our rooms. It's ten-thirty." which gained a hesitant nod from Hiro and a smile from Miyuki "Yes, brother." came from her as she smiled. "Miyuki, you're around the corner, yeah?" Hiro asked as she then replied with a simple "Yes." which gained a simple and shuddery, "U-uhm.. why don't I walk you back?" as to which she agreed. She reached and held his hand as they walked over, him smiling to her and petting her head lightly. This made her hug him with a smile, letting go as soon as possible as they both set off their different ways.

Making his way back to his room with Tatsuya, the taller male was already in his bed half asleep, which allowed Hiro to dress into his T-Shirt and gym shorts and rest. His face was first positioned into the pillow as he blushed and thought about the time he had with Miyuki. "I can't let that go.." he thought to himself as Maelstrom popped in, "Agreeable.. understandable.. we can both protect that. Now though, you must sleep." the spiritual male said as Hiro turned over onto his side and began to fall asleep. The last thing he thought of was the girl who already stated that she would help an comfort him.. it was a relief he had someone like that, and to know he had someone who he could possibly go further with intimately.

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