Suave?! - short story

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“Dunhhnnnnn duurrrrrrr duuuuuhhhhhhNNNNN” 
“Oh my lord, will you tune that thing already?!” March said abruptly, she’s not one to snap but she was trying hard to focus. She stood up and walked over with her eyes glued to me.
The tips of my curled horns went from yellow to bright red, making my emotions blindingly obvious for March to see, that’s what I get for being a damn telfing. I slammed my hand down on the lute to stop the flow of the pitch and looked straight up at her as she stood over me, glaring. 
“I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you, sometimes I get lost in the sound.” I scrambled to sit up straight and look up at her, it was as if time stopped when I caught her eyes. I began to get lost in her features; her sharp jawline, her luminous bronze skin, soft pointed ears, and those deep brown eyes…
“Gosh, you’re such a bard, Tamara.” she said as she scoffed, trying to seem tough. She said my name. I’d seen her in school but ever since we got into our covens, we didn’t really mix. But there we stood, in the Hideaway Grove, as if we didn’t know each other. 
“There are people in here who actually need to get stuff done, you know.” She gestured to the rest of the people of all kinds around us. A few of them starred but went on with their tasks, unbothered. She was a mage after all, she had a lot of studying to do. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” I said as I reached for my stuff to put in my leather bag. I looked away to try and avert my eyes. To no avail, she saw my horns turn light blue. I swung my bag around my shoulder and made my way to the door. 
“Hey wait, I didn’t mean- I just - gah.” she stumbled over her words but then brought her hand to her forehead as she rubbed her temple. I stood there, somewhat bewildered to find March of all people, stuttering because of me. 
“Are you okay?” I asked as I stood up to find myself still astonishingly shorter than her. I kept my eyes locked on hers in an effort to keep myself from looking at her long legs. I began to see her soften as she looked at me. 
“I forgot your eyes looked like that.” she said, immediately bringing her hand to her mouth and her cheeks happened to glow with a touch of pink. Did she just-  
“Like what, March?” I said giddily, while I held my breath. I pushed out the air as I ran my hands through my hair, over my horns, and held onto my neck with my elbows in the air. I tried to seem relaxed as my heart pounded. 
“I don’t know, like a golden yellow or something. But anyway,” she quickly went back to my question and turned her head to the side, her braids swung gently as they swept down her shoulders and onto her chest. 
“I’ve been really stressed lately and school’s been picking up and I don’t wanna disappoint my parents and I just don’t want to let anyone down.” She told me as tears swelled up in her eyes, she was wearing thin. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay, you don’t have to prove yourself to me. You’re amazing as you are, beginner spells included,” I said while I reached up to her shoulder. I began to see the March I knew. She wiped her face and snorted while tears slowly streamed out of her eyes.“Why don’t you try to think about something else besides your spell flash cards.” I suggested while grabbing her hand and pulling her to the door. Did I just do that? “Why don’t we get out of here, we can go to the creek by the library like we used to, if you’d like?” I said while again, holding my breath. I fully expected her to have laughed in my face. 
“That sounds so nice, actually.” She said while squeezing my hand, I looked down to see her bronze fingers intertwined with my red ones. “Let me grab my bag.” she said while let go and she pivoted to go snatch her bag. I made my way to the door but made sure to stop before going out the door, nothing was going to let me mess it up that time. I brought my hand to my mouth and cupped it as I huffed into it. Do I have any gum? I turned my head away from her side of the room just in case she saw me. 
“Okay, ready?” I almost jumped as she appeared next to me. I hadn’t forgot how long her legs were, but I did forget what they were actually for, she walked at least two times faster than me. 
We walked along the stone cobble and made our way to the creek, we talked as if no time had passed. We were still the same giggly, teenage girls who happened to be partnered together for eighth grade fairyology class. We had gotten a little wiser and more sure of ourselves, but we also hadn’t talked in years. It was easy to forget how effortless it was to fall in love with her, it was even easier to remember the ache of wondering what would've happened if I told her how I felt. My feelings for her quickly rose to the surface, as if they were waiting to be remembered. 
We crested over the hill behind the library and made our way to the creek. She walked over to the trickling water and stuck her hands in. 
“Jeez, it’s freezing!” she said while crouched down, mesmerized by the crystal clear creek. 
“Is it really or are you just a wimp?” I laughed while making my way over as her gorgeous skin glistened in the mid afternoon sunlight. As I began to crouch down to touch the water, March deviously splashed water in my face, I closed my eyes and shielded my face but I still ended up soaked. I bursted out laughing. 
“Oh-ho-ho you’re gonna get it!” I spat out through snickering. Next thing I knew my hands were on her shoulders as I pushed her in the water, flinging myself down with her. We both hit the water simultaneously providing a huge splash in the process. I shot up through the water and rubbed my eyes. I looked to my side to see her under the water. March immediately sprang up through the surface and flung her many braids behind her while swinging her head back. She ran her hands over her face and down her head while giggling. She caught me staring as she cupped her cheeks to try and prevent me from seeing her blush.
“That was so uncalled for,” she said as she splashed water in my face. 
“Well, you splashed me first and besides, I wanted to get your mind off things,” I said as I splashed her back. 
“Touche! Why are you so suave?!” she yelled as she laughed and dove under the water. She swam towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Someone pinch me. 
“Suave?!” I yelled as I snorted water out of my nose from laughing too hard. She began to stand and broke the surface while still holding onto me, as she rose, she pushed me over her shoulder. 
“Put me down March!” I yelled as my horns began to glow yellow. She pushed her legs to the bottom of the creek floor and stood up fully. I was suspended in the air, almost completely over her shoulder. “Quit it, dummy!” I said as she dropped me in the water while laughing. 
“I forgot how short you were,” she said as I broke the surface and rubbed my eyes to reveal her staring into me. It was no longer a glare, a longing. I felt a flutter in my stomach, 
tell her.
“March I-” before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me as her eyes grew large. 
“Your horns, they’re golden,” she said amazed. I looked down to my reflection in the water to see my horns glowing bright, as they only did this when I sang. 
“Here, let me show you something.” I said as I grabbed her hand to try and pull her out of the creek but she stepped up in one quick movement and stood over me with her hand out and smirking. “Sometimes I forget you’re 6’1”, ” I said laughing while I admired her smile, “But come here!” I yelled while I ran to my bag to grab my lute. I bent over and shook my hair out and tied it back in a ponytail. 
“Are we working out or- what are you doing?” she said while lifting her left brow at me with her hands on her hips. “This better be worth it because I’m cold.” she said after looking at her nails nonchalantly. I took a deep breath in while I felt my heart pound through my chest, providing a tempo. I closed my eyes and began to strum the instrument. The lyrics came to me in an instant. 
“I like you, March. 
Like a breeze on a summer day, 
I like you, March. 
Like the feeling of a friday.” I sang loudly and let the music flow the way I knew how, my horns glowed brightly in response. I began to feel my feet leave the ground. I heard March call out in excitement. Did she leave the ground too? 
    “You make me feel some way that I never thought I could, 
    But you make it possible, 
You’re phenomenal, 
    So although its utterly improbable,”
I opened my eyes to reveal March six inches from my face with her hand out, running her fingers through the golden, sparkling dust floating around us. We twirled around each other, floating about 3 feet above the ground, March’s eye level met mine.  The magical dust soared around us creating lines about a foot apart, making a tube that surrounded us. Her dark eyes sparkled as they reflected the dust. Her gaze was so powerful it almost made me miss a beat but I closed my eyes and continued. 
“I hope we can make it work. 
    Because you make me want to burst
    out laughing and pull you close, 
to take whatever hurts you most, 
And let it all melt away. 
‘Cause March you make me feel like a breeze on a summer day.”
We lowered to the ground slowly and March’s eyes filled with tears as she pulled my hips to hers, goosebumps trickled down my back. She wrapped me in her arms, I felt home.
“So, what'd ya say?” I said while leaning my cheek into her cupped hand. 
“Hmm, I’ll think about it.” she said mischievously, giggling. As she bent down to gently bring her face to mine, I met her half way and stood on my tippy toes.
That’s a yes! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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