Every Rose:Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Kyle Onyx

''you've messed up big time''

''What will the brothers say?''

''What will dad say?''

''Dude, you've gotten your self into some deep....''


''Then why are you here?''

I stared into the eyes of my two friends, my brothers, stood before me. I couldn't tell them the truth, Of course I couldn't, Could I?I would disgrace my family name. Destroy our reputation, and possibly start a war between worlds. But the thing was. I didn't care.

''Because things are allot more serious than that.''

The look on there faces is one that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The disappointment and brokenness hit straight into me. I got the choice of love or the prophecy, and they knew very well which I had chosen.

''Does she love you?'

The sternness in Laurence's voice never trembled.

''I don't know'

And I didn't.

I could be risking everything for nothing.

''Man, your life is mucked up.' And with that Laurence was back to his normal self.' You know what you do right?''

Its not normal for an onyx to admit defeat. But fact was I'd fallen in love with someone who wasn't even normal.

''You need to find out if you actually have a chance with this chick before you go round declaring your love for her. Trust me it gets you no where. Now if you where interested in using some of the Laurence mans moves...''

''Can we do a dating crash course another day. Listen to this.' Adjusting his glasses, he began to read.' Though a daughter of thorn has her powers from the day she's chosen. They never come to power until the are completely necessary, for example when she meets the slayer, destined to bring her down.''

''So she wont know she's the daughter of thorn yet?''


''Sorry, I got to go.'

And with that I ran from the Barbie styled room. If she didn't know who I was yet, I could show her who I really was. Together...We Could beat the prophecy.

Lorna Thorn

The ring from my alarm echoed through my ears. How on earth had I gotten back to sleep after that?

I worked through my daily routine, as if on auto pilot. I couldn't get the poor woman's murder out of my head.

Before I knew it, I was walking down the forest path i always took to school.

''Eww,Its Lorna Larry loner. Walking without her friends again,' A voice jeered. It was a Tall skinny boy, who I hadn't troubled myself to learn the name of. How I hated it when people I didn't even know thought they where better than me. I'd been looking at the boy for so long I hadn't noticed the small dog on a lead that had crossed my path. I tripped over the creatures lead and fell to the floor.

''Ha ha, Lorna Larry loner, Fell over a little dog'' How I hated it when the insults weren't even creative. My face flushed red with both embarrassment and anger.

''Il get him back ''I thought, He will pay....

All of a sudden, the ivy wrapped around the nearest trees trunk began to snake towards the skinny boys ankles. He was in hysterics, and barely noticed the plant that had just wrapped its way around his leg. It began to grip tighter, stronger, and the boys laughs and changed to moans of pain. I knew I had to help him, but for some reason I yelled the first thing that came into my head....

''Let him go!''

The vines began to untwist and snaked back to the tree. The boy had deep cuts swirling round the flesh on his skin. But he still ran away from her as fast as someone not in his state.

I stood there. Breathing deeply for a few moments. When I felt something wrap around my waist, making me jump.

''Any particular reason your standing in the middle of a path?''

She recognised the deep, song-like voice.

''D-d-did you see that?' My voice was noticeably shaky

''See what?''

''The vines wrap around the kid.T-t-t-they hurt him!'' I was starting to sound desperate and a little mad by now

''Don't worry, I can tell you have a vivid imagination'' He turned me round and held my face in his hands so I had to look at him.'' I know what will calm you down.' And he began to bring his face closer to mine...

''I-I-I must be hallucinating, I didn't get much sleep last night.''

He took me by the hand and we walked to school, I still was certain what I had seen had happened. But I must have hallucinated it all. We reached the drama studio, And most of the class where already getting on with script work.

'' Ahhh Mrs Lorna, mr Kyle, You two will be perfect at this.

She handed us the scripts.

Romeo and Juliet.

This would be good.

Kyle Onyx

She hadn't been herself today. I could tell that she had the first dream last night, the first insight into who she truly was. I needed a way to distract her from that, just give me some time. Then I saw Sean. Perfect.

Scribbling down onto a piece of paper, I went over to Sean. He greeted me before I even had the chance to open my mouth.

''Oh hey Kyle! How's it going, I heard about you and Lorna. talk about Ooooh la la ! I'm happy you came along, you really made her happy, which is great because she is like my best friend, me and her are like that'' and he held up his hand with his fingers crossed. I'm not completely sure he ever paused for breath.

''Hey Sean, By any chance could you pass this onto Lorna?''

I held out the piece of paper too him, he practically snatched it from my grasp.

''No worries, Il pass it when I see her, Toodles.'' And he was off.

Its not like me to ask for help, But if I'm honest, I've changed, I'm not who I was. I came to this school, With a mission I was determined to fulfil , To fulfil the prophecy. But look at me now. I'm risking everything for her. I'm giving up my family for her. I know Dad will find out sooner or later and then I have a choice, Kill her, Or be with her and loose him.

I knew which I had chosen, and going down the hallways to the back exit of the school. I had some lines to learn.



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