Every Rose: Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Kyle Onyx

''He's dead!''

''Shouldn't he be bleeding?''

''Wait a sec .He's got a pulse.''

I opened my eyes to see people gawking at me.

''Those eyes, What's happened to his eyes''

''He's A freak!''

''He's a monster!''

Screams began to fill the air again. I sat up and looked down at my chest where the arrow had hit me. No blood. I pulled the arrow from me but felt nothing. There was the entry hole in my shirt. But not a mark on my mysteriously pale skin.

''I've never heard something so wrong''

I looked around, Trying to find the owner of that voice, but she was no where. Just an open door, leading out to the Field

''That's my best shot.''

I ran to the door, dodging all that tried to stop me. I caught my reflection when I reached the snow, and stopped and stared in shock. My Lips surrounded a glistening set of white teeth, the two canines, thinning into sharp points. My skin was pale, I looked ill. But none of these things struck me as strongly as the deep red eyes that where glaring back at me. I was me on the inside, But my cover had changed, like a caterpillar changing to a butterfly, Id become something more beautiful, Something more delicate looking. But inside I knew, Something a thousand times more deadly.

''Looks like you weren't the lucky one''

I knew the voice straight away. What was he doing here? Following the path down to the Field, my speed making the snow fly in clumps, I reached it.

Two Figures were in the clearing. A figure, with his hand raised high above his head, Clutching something in his hand. He was pinning down another figure, Tall, But lifeless, her eyes where shut, Her short hair, flicked across her face, and her ripped black dress covered the snow around her.

So I ran. My legs seemed to carry me faster than they had before. Straight towards them. The standing figure began to drop the hand holding something, he was going to strike her. I ran straight into him, throwing my shoulder into him so i didn't take as greater blow. We flew deeper into the clearing. He scrambled to his feet, and aimed the object at me, A shinning red dagger. Then I knew why he was here.

''Your here to do what I couldn't.'' It came out as a question more than a statement.

''I'm just finishing off what you started. Your just like your mother, Weak, and totally unable to do a mans job''

''Id rather be like her any day.''

My own farther stood before me. Not someone I trusted. Not someone who Id ever love again. He's nothing to me now. Threatening the life of the one I loved. I grabbed his wrist that was holding the dagger and pulled him away. He felt light to me now, like a feather in the breeze. His face showed shock for a moment. But then the anger grew in his eyes and he came towards me, dagger raised high. Striking his hand, the dagger flew across the wide open snow. He began to run towards it, but I grabbed him again and spun him around to face me.

'You should be dead, I shot you.' he sounded quiet stunned.

We began to fight, punching and attacking. We circled round the area, disrupting the simple snow. Throwing him to the ground the dagger was laying in the snow beside it, grabbing it and positioning it above his heart.

''You don't have the guts, just like your mother.''

Suddenly, I was watching a scene. Still in the clearing, but no snow to be seen. Two people where fighting, a tall,musseled man, and a dainty woman. Attacking and dodging in what looked like a perfectly choreographed routine.

''You honestly thought I loved you?' The man asked. He lunged for her. A glistening stone in his hand. Again and again he lunged, till he finally struck her through the heart. He could see her face. Those bright green eyes. Just like

the ones he saw in the mirror, day by day...

''You killed mother?'

My voice was shaky, trying to bite back the sobs. But before he had time to awnser,just as a cruel, heartless grin grew on his face, I stabbed him. Blood began to rise, and dye the white snow.

Turning to the damage I'd caused, My own farther, laying dead before me. The sky was changing as the sun began to rise.

''Kyle?' I heard a whispering voice say. Turning to see Lorna, Sitting upright in the snow. I ran to her side, placing arms around her, Sitting by her as they looked into the rising sun. Dark circles surrounded her eyes, and her hair kinked up from the dampness of the snow. But to me, shed never looked so beautiful. Looking into her eyes, I said the words that Id been dying to say.

''Lorna. Were the ones that got away.''

I could feel my lips grow into a grin, but she just stared.

Lorna Thorn

He looked mostly the same. The hair was the same, and the features of his face. It was him, The one who I thought I'd seen die before me. Die for me. Just those eyes. Looking into mine, glowing red.

''You....you....your eyes?' My voice was shaking from the cold.

''I nearly died back in the hall.' He said as he ducked his head as if it was to be ashamed.

His skin was a perfect white, like new piece of paper. A tear rolled down his cheek, an impurity to his perfection.

'Lorna, I nearly lost you. He was moments from killing you.'

'But you saved me.'

My mouth was shaking from the cold, prom dresses are hardly artic worthy dressing.

'He was too close to killing you, all because of me.'

'But you still saved him, Kyle, I know what I am, and danger is going to follow me, and after this, its going to follow you too. But if your with me, I wont care. Kyle, I love you.''


And they sat there, in the cool winter snow, in each others arms as the sun dawned. The Slayer and the daughter. The ones that got away.

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