The letter to Hogwarts

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~~~~14th October
  Brianna's jurnal:
For anyone else this Sunday is normal and non-special , but for me this date is special .It's my Birthday!!! ~~~~~~  
I was homeschooled by my uncle Remus until now because of my powers. He is prepared to let me at Hogwarts. I am 15.
  Gooooood morning uncle Moony!!! I said while i was jumping out of joy.
   Good morning to you too, pup! Tomorrow we will be going to Diagon Alley to take your staff!
   I am going to have my own wand! Yessss, finally! I said with a relief in my voice. I also didn't need a wand because, surprisingly, one of my powers is to be able to do wandless magic but I had to use uncle Remus's wand to learn spells, charms, counter-curses, you know

~~~~~~~Time skip by your strange childhood nickname~~~~~~~~   

As we were walking down the alley I saw the huge wand shop.
~~~Olivanders, finest wands since 19 B.C~~~~

     I'm going to the bank, ok? You have the currancy, just enter know the rest.
     Ok, I squeaked.
And as I slowly opened the door, I noticed that no one was at the counter.
      Hello? Is anybody here? I asked.
      Ahhh! Miss Black! I was wondering when I will get to see you. It seems only yesterday when your mother and father came here to take their wands.
       Umm. I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude, but, how do you know my name? I asked out of curiosity
        Well well! That doesn't matter.
        Hmmm...... I believe I have the right one, right here.
        Ahhhh! Yes. Maple wood, dragon heartstring core, 12 1/2 inches and  rigid flexibility. Try it! Come on! Give it a swish
As I swished the wand the vase that was broken was now repaired.
         Oh! Well done! Well done. He said happilly.
         And as I was giving him the currency I said:
         Thank you! Have a nice day!

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