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Turn around and I'm gone
Forgotten forever
You'll never know I existed
I won't be your text books stories
But if only it was so easy
To stop existing all at once
As the blood creeps out
I think of my sister
Her rosy red cheeks
I'll never kiss them again
And I'll never hear my mom
Nagging me
Clean your room
She'll never say
Cuz it won't be mine anymore
They will probably lock it away
My ghost with my memories
They'll not want to remember me
Now as I sit in my bathtub
A recollection come to me
Where does the rainbow ends
I ask dear mother
And slowly she bends
And places her palm on my shoulder
Says dear son
A rainbow has neither an end nor a starting
It's you the rainbow's like
And now several years have passed
I smile as I hear her voice
And I don't know when it started
But it is ending
Slowly as my blood seeps out
My mind confirms it and so does my heart
My rainbow ends here
If it ever started in the first place
And I feel infinite
But confined
Too late to make decisions
Too close to peace
And so I lie
In tranquility

A/n,p. hi

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