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Currently, two soulmates were eating dango on date that the world precieved as two comrades sharing a meal.

Izumo didn't mind that they were hidden from the world, bacause all he needed in life was to be by this mans side until one of them takes their last breath.

While Izumo was thinking that, Kotetzu silently promised to always be by his mans side throughout any battle, for this person he would do anything for. He'd even give his life to save him if that day ever came, because truth be told... he loved him more than himself.

Izumo bites off another another dango as his lover stares at him, and gives a smile as he chews.

Kotetsu smiles back, "my Kami, you're so adorable."

Said person chuckles slightly, bashful, "thank you sweetie!"

Aw! I want to draw this!! Should I? :D

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