Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Gakuen Alice, they belong to the lovely Higuchi Tachibana-sama! Any Ooc-ness is on me. Inspiration from E.D.B.'s story.
Author note: I advise y'all to follow me, if you aren't already. I post update delays, schedules, and things of that nature! ^-^

For all the traveling Mikan had done, she thought that the last few miles to Alicean were the longest. Since Ruka had taken on the job of watching over Kuonji, Mikan and Natsume no longer had to keep track of him. The bear prince had to stay well back from Kuonji, however, because even the smallest glimpse or the faintest whiff of his bearish scent terrified the horses. Kuonji had tried to get away only once. Although Mikan hadn't seen what happened, she heard Ruka roar, the horse scream, then silence. Kuonji disappeared for a few minutes, but when he returned he looked chastened and not at all eager to try again.

Mikan had expected the princes to be waiting by the castle gate, but she never expected so many people to be there. A group of villagers greeted her first, tossing flowers in her path when they saw that it was indeed their own beloved princess. She saw soldiers then, a few who had been out on patrol when Hotaru fell asleep, some who had been on leave to visit their families, and a few she didn't recognize, but Natsume said they were wearing the colors of the princes who were supposed to be there. Regardless of their allegiance, however, they all saluted the brave princess who had gone on a quest to save her family and her kingdom.

She saw the princes next. Hayate was there, half-drunk and declaring that he was the only one with the right to kiss the princess. His hands and face were scratched as if he'd tried to pass through the roses. Tono greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and a bouquet of the roses that guarded the castle. Narumi waved hello with one hand and held the hand of the little girl Aoi with the other. Youichi was there as well, standing beside his father, Misaki. Mikan hugged the children and greeted each of the princes with enthusiasm; she was grateful that they were there, but all the while she was hoping that they were enough, that one of them really would prove to be Hotaru's true love.

"Are you ready, Princess?" asked Tono when the princes had gathered around her. 

Mikan took a deep breath and glanced at all the expectant faces. "No time like the present," she said, and reached for Natsume's hand. "I'm going to take you in all at once. You should stay awake as long as you keep in touch with each other and with me."

"She means you hold hands," growled Ruka, shoving Kuonji toward the other princes.

Although Hayate and Kuonji complained, the rest of the princes hurried to get in line and take each other's hands. When Hayate saw that he would be last, he ran to the front of the line and shoved Natsume aside Taking Mikan's hand, he looked down at her and smiled. "Thought you'd pull a fast one, didn't you? You've never liked me and I've never liked you, but we both know that I'm the one to marry your sister. Hurry up and take me in there. I want to get this over and done."

Mikan gritted her teeth and looked away. If there was one prince she wished she could ban from the castle, it would be Hayate.

"I'd be nicer to Princess Mikan if I were you," Natsume said in a soft voice. Mikan glanced back and was surprised to see him examining a knife as if to check its sharpness. "She means a lot to me, if you know what I mean."

"Yes. Yes, I suppose I do," Hayate said, his voice coming out higher than normal. Clearing his throat he added, "And your name is...?"

"I'm Prince Natsume and I'm a friend of Princess Mikan's. Anyone who doesn't treat her nicely has to answer to me."

"Oh, and um... to me as well," murmured Hayate. Mikan saw that he didn't look quite as handsome as he had before he took her hand. He looked older and more careworn, with his nose red from drinking and his hair turning limp and a dull shade of brown. His bloodshot eyes seemed to draw closer together even as she watched.

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