Chapter 6

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Hi guys! Haha, thanks to everyone who is reading, and I ask that you please vote and then tell me what you think. I'd love to get some feedback.

Okay, this chapter has some NatsumexMikan moments that I hope y'all like. <3

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Gakuen Alice, they belong to the amazing Higuchi Tachibana-sama. Story inspiration from E.D.B.'s story.

Forgetting all the lessons in decorum she had ever recieved, Mikan shrieked, jumped to her feet, and threw herself at Natsume. Surprised, the young man staggered and dropped his sword into the dirt.

"I am so happy to see you!" MIkan exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him.

"Uh, yes, I'm happy to see you, too." Natsume didn't seem to know what to do. He stood there, stiff and uncomfortable, looking down at the princess's face beaming up at him.

It took a moment for Mikan to notice just how uncomfortable he looked. Suddenly self-conscious, she let go and took a step back, grateful that it was too dark for him to see the blush reddening her cheeks.

"How did you find me?" she asked, straightening her rumpled clothes.

"I came across your trail in the woods outside the castle."

"So you came after me?"

Natsume nodded. "I have a knack for tracking, I couldn't just let my princess go wandering around in the woods all by herself."

I'm your princess now?" Mikan asked, a warm feeling starting in the pit of her stomach.

"You became my princess when I took an oath as a royal guard. Nothing can change that," said Natsume. "What happened back there anyway? I'd gone into town on an errand for Captain Sterling, and by the time I came back a thicket of roses had grown up around the castle. I tried to hack my way through, but it was impossible."

"It was Hotaru's curse. She touched a spinning wheel even after we were so careful to keep them out."

"I thought it was something like that. From what I could see, the guards weren't patrolling the parapets or standing by the gate. I don't know much about roses, but those were obviously the magical kind. Were you inside when it happened?"

"I was in the room with Hotaru and her ladies. Everyone is fine, but unless we can break the curse, they'll be sleeping for a hundred years."

"You're still awake because of that whole thing about you and magic, aren't you? The other guards were talking about it after you found that witch with the spinning wheel. They said that magic can't touch you."

Mikan sighed, "No, but it was awful seeing everyone else fall asleep. I didn't know what to do, so I woke my mother for long enough to ask for her advice. I'm on my way to Shimshee to get Prince Hayate. He just needs to kiss Taru-chan and everyone will wake up."

"You do realize that you're nowhere near the road to Shimshee?"

"I was afraid of that. I got lost yesterday and came across a cottage where this horrible woman lived." Mikan yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. She was so tired that her eyes were watering.

"You need to rest," Natsume said. Shrugging out of the straps that held a sack on his back, he pulled out a thin blanket and spread it on the ground.

"There were two children," Mikan murmured as Natsume led her to the blanket. "And a rat. The old woman thought it was a dog. And then there were fairies..."

"In the cottage?" asked Natsume.

Mikan curled up on the blanket and tucked her hands beneath her cheek. "No, in the ring," she mumbled. "And they got mad and the bear came..."

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