Chapter 3

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The walk was long. Exceedingly long. By the time we reached the wall the sun was beginning to rise. It took much longer to get there than I thought. I really need to work on my perception of distance.

“Well,” Gabe gasps, “We’re here.”

That we are. We stand at the threshold of The Forest of Souls. The land of demons and monsters. I take in the magnificent sight. The trees stand so tall it almost seems impossible to see the tops. The trunks are engraved with swirls and curves identical to my tattoo. With the trees grown so tightly together it seems like it just one piece of artwork. One giant tattoo. The markings become deeper the closer they get to the doorway.

Gabe speaks first, “This is—”

“Fascinating,” I interrupt. He gives me a pointed look.

“I was going to say creepy…”

I ignore his comment and step forward to examine the living wall before us. Slowly I trace the familiar swirls, taking everything in. Beneath my touch I feel a movement. Frowning I move closer. It’s almost like…

“A pulse,” I murmur.

“What?” Gabe asks, picking up his bag from the ground.

“I feel a pulse…I feel a pulse!” I look at him excitedly. He stares back with a slightly worried expression.

“I think you’ve been around the horse manure too much, Fera.”

I roll my eyes and grab his hand, “Feel for yourself,” I tell him. He gives me another strange look, but Gabe decides to indulge me. He presses his palm to the bark. We stand there silently for a minute. His eyes move to mine.

“Like I said,” He affirms, “you’re around too many gross fumes.”

“What?” I gasp, and touch the trunk again. The pulsing is there. How can he not feel it?

“Well we better get you and your craziness inside. The faster we’re in, the faster we’re out.” He states, handing me my bag. I nod and proceed with him to the doorway, dragon scales in hand. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Gabriel’s nervous expression. Carefully I take his shaking hand and smile at him.

“We’ll be okay,” I tell him, “We’re not going to die.”

His gaze is glued to the looming forest before us.

“Sure about that?” He asks shakily.

“I always am.”

He nods slowly. I’m not sure he actually heard me. With a light tug, I pull him forward and into The Forest of Souls.

¯          ¯            ¯

It takes us a moment for our eyes to adjust. Outside the sun is halfway above the horizon, giving us little light in here. Most of the trees around us are dead or dying. The ground is black and littered with bones – human bones. If I didn’t know better I’d say Gabe’s heart just stopped. I crouch to examine the earth. The dark shroud isn’t soot like I thought. It’s almost like a mist, moving and wavering when my hand sweeps over it. The black mist curls through the eye sockets of a nearby skull. Gabe is right, this is creepy.

“C-Can we go back?” He asks nervously, “I don’t like this.”

“I don’t either,” I admit, “But we can’t turn back now. Let’s just go a little deeper and see what we find.”

Gabe gives me a horrified stare, but complies. Slowly we make our way forward, careful not to trip over human remains or any fallen branches. The wind picks up, causing a few dead tree limbs to groan and threaten to drop.

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