Chapter 6

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I give Gabe a baffled look. What is he doing? The mass of people come running at us, torches in hand. It seems like the entire village was here at my house. Were they really that worried about us? All the adults stand around us in a circle. Some hold torches, some hold pitchforks, and some have large knives. My skin pales when I realize what they're thinking.

The village priest, Michael, steps forward. His hands are empty of any weapons. The priest looks at both of us for a moment then turns to Gabe.

"What have you found out?" He asks. My eyes also turn to Gabe.

"Gabe, what's he talking about?"

"Well?" Michael asks. He seems impatient as always. My friend doesn't look at me. He straightens himself and speaks clearly to the whole group.

"The Forest is guarded by demons. Actual monsters. If you can get past the first layer, the burnt part of The Forest, then you'll be able to get to the inner layer. That's where you'll find the dragon."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. My mouth hangs open but no word can come out.

"And her?" Michael grabs my arm and exposes the rest of my tattoo, "What of this abomination?"

"She has been accepted into their world—"

"Gabe," I plead, "Gabe, stop—"

"The demon Deity has his eye for her. I've seen it myself. She must be destroyed."

I freeze. What's happening? What is this? Why is he saying these things? Michael nods and turns to the rest of the people standing around us. Once he's made sure they're all paying attention he gives his command.

"Burn it down."

"No!" I cry out and jump at Michael. Two men grab me by my arms tightly and pull me back. "Michael you can't! There's innocent lives in there! They are the last of their kind!"

The priest turns to me and smiles. Not a sweet smile – a menacing one.


Michael starts walking and the mob follows in suit. I pull and kick at my captors but it's no use. Gabe walks beside Michael with a proud stance.

"Gabe, why?" I say – half whimpering half growling. I can't keep my emotions straight. He doesn't respond.

"When you told your friend of your plan to leave he came to me," Michael says without turning around, "I told him to go. If he returned he'd be a welcomed village leader." My eyes widen as I stare at the back of Gabe's head. "The risk was great, of course. But young Gabriel agreed. He was to go and expose this evil place for what it truly is."

"It's not evil!" I shout, "The animals, The Forest! It's all amazing. You just don't understand it!"

Michael then turns around to yell, "I understand enough! You are a traitor! You're one of those monsters and you will pay for it!"

We come within a quarter of a mile of The Forest. Michael and the men holding me stop but the others proceed. Their torches held high.

"Stop!" I yell as loud as I can, "You don't know what you're doing!"

"Enough!" Michael waves for the men to push me to my knees. I look up, tears streaming down my face as a bright light appears before me.

The Forest of Souls is on fire.

One of the men hands Michael a long butcher's knife. At least that's what it seems like it is. My attention is focused on the burning forest. The trees are in a full blaze now. The villagers all dance and cry out in victory. Gabe is among them.

"You monsters..." I sob.

"You'll join your friends soon enough in hell." Michael spits and lifts the knife high above his head. I continue to stare at the burning trees, tears running down my face.

A loud roar erupts from The Forest. Loud to make everyone stop – even Michael. The sound of it is frightening, even for me. We watch as demons burst from The Forest. The shadow figures all shaped like giant wolves and charging at the villagers. I watch in horror as the humans are able to knock down and cut through the demons – they can fight back. As godly creatures they must have less power on human soil. Michael growls and barks at the men, "Go! Kill the monsters! I'll deal with her!" The men take off to join the battle. Upon the release I jump back and scramble to stand. Michael advances on me with hatred in his eyes. Half of his face is illuminated by The Forest, giving him an even more terrifying look.

"Michael," I hold my hands out, "Look at what you're doing! This is insane!"

"I'm purging this world of evil," He growls, "Which includes you."

I step back, tripping on the uneven ground. Michael raises the knife again. "This ends here." He hisses. Michael is suddenly knocked to the side. The priest goes rolling in the ground – the knife tossed aside. Alloces stands above me – in human form. Even a Deity can't keep his true body on human land. He helps me to my feet.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod slightly. At least I think I do. Everything is painfully overwhelming.

"The Forest..." I mumble.

"The Forest will be okay," He reassures me, "It hasn't been around for this long for nothing."

I notice movement from behind him. Without thinking I push us both to the side. We just barely miss the blade. Michael stands before us in his priest robes – now tattered and dirty. His white hair is a wild mess and his eyes are murderous. Alloces and I are both on our feet quickly. The demon stands in front of me. I notice his hands have changed into long black claws.

"Come on, old man," Alloces taunts, "I can take you even on human soil."

"Oh? Is that right?"

Alloces steps closer and the priest steps back. I can hear the smirk in the Deity's voice.

"That's what I thought. No matter what you'll be nothing to us. Just some food source."

"I suppose. But will you fight if your loved one is in danger?"

I notice a Michaels eyes flicker behind me a second too late. The cold steel of a blade presses against my neck. Alloces turns around and freezes. But only for a moment. His expression changes to something less human. To something monstrous.

"I thought have known you were a traitor when you refused Luna's test." He growls. I feel like I'm going to be sick. My captor is Gabe.

"Call off your dogs," Gabriel yells, "Or I'll kill her."

Alloces's eyes flicker from Michael back to Gabe. Taking advantage of the stand still I elbow Gabe sharply in the ribs. He gasps and removes his grip enough from me to get away. Alloces smirks and turns on the priest. I hear the two fighting a few feet away from me. Gabe advances on me, his fishing knife in hand.

"Why?" I hiss while dodging his attack, "Why did you do it?"

"They're monsters, Fera, they need to be destroyed."

"You're the monster here," I yell, "You're the evil ones! What would Christopher think?"

Gabe glares at me and jumps at me, knife held high. I swiftly dodge him and kick his legs. My used-to-be friend tumbles to the ground. Alloces lets out a cry of pain. I turn to see Michael's knife had cut open the demon's leg. I move forward to help but stop. A sharp pain forces me to freeze. Looking down I see the tip of a blade protruded through my chest. Gabe had stabbed me in the back. How ironic.

Alloces knocks over Michael and glances over at me. His body goes ridged as he stares at me. Gasping for air I fall to my knees. The edges of my vision become black and blurred. All the commotion suddenly becomes muffled – like the world is simply background noise. I barely feel my body collapse onto its side. The pain is too great. Through blurred vision I see Gabe and Michael advance on Alloces. The last thing I hear is the sound of a powerful roar. 

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