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Cam stood in the small crowd and smiled.

They're really good? Like really good. I wonder if their other songs are good.

She watched as the sweaty boys exited the stage. She wore a large grin as she watched them approach her.

Moments ago

"That was great boys!" Luke said excitedly. "Reg, you nailed those notes." He said looking at the bass player.

"Well I mean we were all good." Reggie said looking at all four of the group.

"Guys," Bobby said focused on something else. "Look who's here." He said motioning his head behind them. The three confused boys turned around and in the distance saw the girl that they had just recently met. Luke instantly began smiling and started walking towards the girl. Reggie following, Alex watched as the happy boy quickly went to speak with the girl. He couldn't help but frown a little bit. "Hurts doesn't it?" Bobby said while slapping his back scaring the life out of Alex.

"No, it's nothing." Alex said as he began walking toward the group.

Mere seconds ago

"Cam!" Luke exclaimed and the girl turned to see the sweaty boy coming quickly toward her. "You came. Luke said with a happy tone.

"That I did." She said with a soft smile. Luke looked at her with a grin as Reggie came up to the two.

"Cameron your here" Reggie said looking at the girl. She smiled looking at both of them. Reggie immediately tried to hug her.

"No!" Cameron immediately said leaving a confused Reggie.

"Why not?" Reggie said with puppy dog eyes.

"You're all sweaty!" Cam said nervously. Reggie took a moment then giggled.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Alex came walking up to the group Bobby following.

"Alex! You were amazing on the drums tonight." Cameron said noticing the boys sad state.

"Thanks Cam" he responded with a small smile. 

"So you liked it?" Luke said moving his attention to Cameron. "Like you liked our music?" The girl smiled and looked at the sweaty, tired, teenage musicians.

"Yes, I liked it." Cameron answered. Luke's' smile got even bigger. "I'd love to hear more of your music sometime."

"Why don't you come by our place tomorrow? Watch us play?" Bobby said speaking up.

"Sure! I'd love to come." Cameron said with a bright smile. Her phone went off resulting in her reaching in her purse. 


Where the fuck are you?

Cameron's eyes widened in realization. "I gotta go guys, but it was nice seeing you preform." She said quickly leaving the small bar.

"What do you think that was about?" Luke asked the other boys. 

"I don't know, but not our business. Alex said walking over to pack up their instruments. Luke frowned and looked at the door as he thought about the pretty girl.


Cameron looked at looked at her shitty house and sighed. She knew what she was about to walk in to. Was she prepared for it? She never is. But every time she walks up those stupid steps, she ready herself for the things behind that door.

Slowly turning the handle she pushed the door open revealing a mess. 

It was always a mess. 

Bottles of alcohol. Pills. The smell of smoke. The burns in the lumpy worn down couch. She looked at the kitchen. It was trashed. Broken plates, dirty dishes. In the middle of it all, her dreaded mother. 

"Where were you?" She asked her voiced full of hatred.

"I saw a band." Cameron responded with a squeak.

"A band? Doesn't it take money to see a band?" Cameron's mother asked her voice going eerily softer.

"No, they put out a ticket for me." Cam said finding her voice. Her mother laughed. She laughed an evil loud laugh. 

"Really?" she said with a smile. "So you  didn't take my money?" 

"What? No-"

"See that's where I don't believe you." Her mother said interrupting her. "Why would they just leave you a ticket? Because they like you? That's not how life works. Nothings free. You took money out of my wallet and you need to admit it." Cam felt her eyes watering. The stench of alcohol could easily be smelled off of her mother. She gave up. She knew she wasn't getting out of this.

"Yes mother. I uh, I took money from you." She said sniffling trying to hold her tears back. 

"I expect that 30$ on the counter by tomorrow." she said walking towards the door, before slamming it. Cam walked to her room. She finally let the tears out. Thirty dollars? How was she supposed to get that much by tomorrow? She sat on her knees on her floor and sobbed. She hated her life. She couldn't stand it. 

Her phone went off and she reached to grab it. It was a text message from a unknown number. It was an address with the words 'see ya tomorrow' 

Cam sniffled and let out a small laugh knowing it was one of the boys. How they got her number, she didn't care. They made her smile. And that was okay. 

A/N Hi! I know this one was a little short. I do feel as I am rushing it, but I feel later their friendship will be easier to write compared to now whereas it's all new. So yes, apologies because this story will most likely be rushed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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