01. Pain

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I'm tired of running,
Running away from the truth that me myself don't know,
What it is.

I'm tired,
I'm tired of smiling everyday
Like there is no tomorrow,
But no one ever question me,
Are all this true?

I'm tired of hiding in a mask that I believe no one can ever discovered;
The real me,
I'm a Big LIE, aren't I?

I want to shout, scream in what I feel,
But no words came
I want to know what is the feeling at ease....
Can you give it to me just this time?

If I sleep this night
Are all my pain be gone?
That when I wake up in the morning,
I'm gonna say:
"Yes, it's gone, I'm free!"

I can cry it all day
So I can be better,
But I'm wrong no tears fall in my eyes...

If this pain takes longer
I'm gonna feel numb sooner

I need someone
I wish, there is someone knows my pain.....

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