The Loss

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In the previous chapter I promised 2 things: to move the story forward & to take you on a feels-trip. So, all aboard the pain train! And sorry for the wait... this one was hard to write ㅠㅠ


But, as much as Norman liked to plan, and plan, and plan, some things you just can't possibly be ready for.

He'd had only a few days to enjoy Ray and Emma's predicament, teasing each in turn with his trademark angel-faced smile masking his pointed remarks about their sudden changes in behavior. With discretion though, mind you — building the tension was critical.

Then, just as things had been progressing according to plan, the unpredictable happened. And not just once, but twice.

First, there was Ray to deal with. In a classic turn of events, just like their frequent games of chess, Ray made a bold and aggressive move just when he'd seemed to be losing. Perhaps it wasn't completely unpredictable that he'd just bluntly admitted to being the traitor right to Emma's face, but it was certainly somewhat more retaliatory than Norman thought necessary. I mean, come on. His blasé "Oh, yeah. It was me" sounded like nothing more than mentioning the weather, but it left Emma speechless and Norman with his head spinning, wondering how he was going to smooth this one over, as it was obviously now his job given Ray's attitude.

Damn he thought. Ray's not breaking the rules of our deal, but he sure knows how to keep this from being easy for me! I could have just told her I was wrong about there being a traitor and completely covered for him... but I get it now. He's searching for the straw that will break the camel's back. He probably won't even try to deny anything that he's done these last six years no matter how mad it will make Emma because he wants her to find a reason to give up on him...

Thankfully though, Emma was supremely adaptable and never quick to judge a person harshly, much to the continued awe of her two companions. Despite the huge initial shock of Ray's treachery adding to the conundrum of her growing feelings for him, the only thing that seemed to be changing was her brain, not her heart. It was as if she were one step ahead of Ray without even trying these days — like she knew what he was getting at deep down before he did sometimes. And with each new piece of information, no matter how many steps back it may have set her, she'd meet it head on.

What she may have lacked in strategy she more than made up for with her talent for learning on the fly and her innate sense of what makes someone a good person.

She'd said it herself the other day when Norman had asked her what she would do about the traitor — that she'd take them with no matter what, because whatever circumstance had led them to sell themselves like that would no longer protect them once the escape had succeeded. Since everyone in their family was a good person, she'd never sacrifice a single one.

As he watched her recover from the shock he felt just how deeply Emma must mean every word she ever speaks.

Seeing that, Norman could forgive himself for losing to Ray on this one. Just this once.

But the real problem was what came next.

Mama's actions were ones he couldn't forgive.

Although he had foreseen that this was one of many, many paths that events might have taken, he'd still grossly miscalculated its likelihood. The moment he heard her bone snap, the feeling that things were about to get much worse turned his vision white for a moment. Standing there in horror, he felt all the possible options collapsing down to one.

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