Chapter 50

271 11 3

(Most likely the final pt.)

The days had pasted and it was a week later, the flowered are in full bloom, and you were already awake and putting on your outfit.

'Y/n!' Your mother yelled.

'Yeah?!' You shouted but your mother didn't reply. 'Oh my god' You groaned and went downstairs.

'Yea mom?!'

'I don't know how you convinced your father but here, your keys back' She said and gave you your keys.

'Yes! Ooh Thank you, thank you, thank you'

'But I swear if you get in trouble with the police, the car is mine okay?'

'Yes, ma'am' You saluted her and proceeded to silently cheer.

'Okay! Y/n you need to be with your dad in less than 2 hours so MOVE and GO!'

'Alright let me just-'

'Nope you have your car so go!'

'Okay!' You grabbed your phone and ran to your car.

You heard a knocked on your window and got scared by the sudden figure there. It was Satori, you sighed and unlocked the doors. He hopped in and was dressed up. He had a button up shirt, the top two buttons, his jacket in his hand, and his hair slicked back but not poofed up.

'Don't you look nice, who's tux is that?'

'Why thank you, and it's my dad's it didn't fit him, so my mom made me wear it' He shrugged

'And your hair?' You said and glanced at his hair.

'Dad's idea, he said "Don't have it poofed up, it looks better slicked back" and i just did it because I was to tired to argue'

'Nice' You ruffled his hair and little pieces went to his face. 'Damn it why is he so hot like this...'

You started the car and drove to your dad's house. The whole ride their you and Satori were just talking and listening to music. You go their and your dad was outside.

You parked and got out. 'Dad!'

'Hey! Kiddo you're finally here?'

'Ha. Ha. Ha, what are you doing to your car?'

'Eh, just fixing it up for the honeymoon'

'Ooh, okay, Where ya taking her?'

'Oh well we're thinking to go to Kyoto, And Ritsu gonna stay with her grandma'

'Nice, so when's the wedding again? You told me today just not the time'

'It's in about an hour and a half'

'What?! What are you still doing out here, get inside take a shower an put on your tux!'

'I can't!'

'What do you mean you can't isn't that your house??' You said and ruffled your eyes brows

'It is but Aoi believes if I see her before the wedding then it's bad luck -.-' He said and sighed.

'But that's just a stupid-'

'A stupid superstition, and the only thing keeping me from going inside the house'

'So when can you go inside?'

'When Aoi gets out the house and into that car that her brother is driving'

'Well let's speed this up' You walked away.

'No Y/n don--'

'To late I'm already walking' You said and walked inside the house.

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