The last, Ruby

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Rachel uses her sword to slice through the upright, reptilian-looking monster in the aisle. Her short red hair swayed violently. She's in the middle of the pack and a little bigger than the norm.

"I think I got away with it..."After destroying the last one, she checked her surroundings.

"Is everyone okay?"She think about the others, but shake her head.

"They'll be fine, yes!"She told herself as she walked deeper into the room. Then a door appears.

"This is the next room."She opened the door and entered the room. It was a bedroom of sorts. There is a bed, a desk, a small bookshelf, and a safe built into the wall.

"Let's see what I can find."She searched through the furniture in the room.

"I can open the safe, but it looks like I need to break this code."On a piece of paper, there are numerous numbers divided into four blocks. On another piece of paper, there seemed to be instructions on how to solve it.

"'Find the numbers within the numbers.' But they just look like numbers."She was puzzling over this and that in front of the safe, but then she came up with an idea.

"Are the numbers on this the correct answer?"She tried punching the four numbers on the clue paper into the safe, but the safe wouldn't open.

"I wonder if they are wrong. Try rearranging them."She tried typing in different numbers, but none of them would open.

"I guess I'll have to solve it after all."She typed ten times and tried to type the eleventh time, but the safe stopped responding.

"Huh? Huh?"She press the button, but it doesn't respond.

"Unfortunately, it's designed to be opened only after ten attempts."Echid appears in front of the room's entrance.

"I don't know, because it's not written down. Penelope, Sasha, Trilby and Ashley! What's going on?"Rachel looked at Echid's stomach and was puzzled.

"I invited everyone else into my belly."Echid smiles suspiciously.

"Come on, it's your turn now."She turns to Rachel.

"You're going to get everyone back!"Rachel sheathed her sword and headed towards Echid.

"Huh!"She swings her sword, but Echid easily avoids it.

"(She's moving too fast. I have to decide at once.)"She thinks about that and distances herself from Echid.

"Haaaaahhh..."She cloaks the blade of her sword in red energy.

"I don't mind your attitude."On the other hand, Echid holds up her staff and deploys a magic circle. A fireball appears in front of the magic circle, and it gradually grows larger.

"Ruby wave!"

"Fire Magnum!"

Rachel shoots a red energy wave from her sword, and at the same time, Echid fires a flame. And then their attacks collide with each other.

"Ah..."Rachel was pushed down a little more.

"(If I lose, everyone else will lose too.)"She tries to push back, but she is pushed further.

"You're very persistent. But this is the end!"Echid increased the momentum of the flames and pushed forward.

"No way!"The flames of the Echid came close to Rachel. Then the sword she holds is flicked away.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!"She was pushed by the flames and slammed against the wall.

"Ugh... still... I..."Echid's lower body wraps around her as she tries to get up.

"You did your best, but it looks like you weren't strong enough to defeat me."Echid tightens her grip on Rachel.

"I'll do the same to you as I did to your friend."She transformed into a giant snake and approached Rachel with her mouth wide open.

"Oh..."The slippery, dark pink mouth of the ecdysiast approaches Rachel. She doesn't have the strength left to resist.

"Mmm..."Echid takes Rachel's head into her mouth.

"Mgh."Rachel is sucked into Echid's mouth as she is made to do.

"Mmmm... Mmmm... Mmmm..."Echid opens and closes her mouth and swallows Rachel.

"Ahmmm."The ecdysiast slowly swallowed Rachel down to her ass as if she were savoring her last meal.

"This is the last of it."She leaned her head back and opened her mouth, using gravity to swallow in one gulp.

"Gulp!"She closes her mouth once Rachel's entire body is in the back of her throat.

"Burp! Thanks for the food."A humanoid bulge moves through her body.

"(Everyone, I'm sorry...)"Rachel was carried deep inside Echid's body.

"It's about time."Echid changes her upper body into a human body and holds her hand over the bulge on her lower body. Then she unfolds a small magic circle.

"!!"Rachel's eyes widen as she feels the pleasure. And it gets stronger little by little.

"(Nhooooooooooh!)"She feels so much pleasure that she climaxes, her whole body is enveloped in a red light and she becomes smaller. The bulge in the lower half of Echid's body gets a little smaller and smaller. After a little while, she turns into an energy ball and is pushed straight into the back of Echid's stomach.

"(Hoho... )"She continued to feel the pleasure as she was squeezed inside Echid's stomach.

Rachel's ahegao face appeared in the upper center of Echid's stomach. It meant the annihilation of the Jewel Knights.

"Phew. I'm full, I'm satisfied."Echid stroked Rachel's face and then everyone else's in turn.

"Now that I'm done, let's go home."As she said this, the walls and floor around her warped and turned into a bleak stone room.

Then she walked out the door of the room.

Echid vs Jewel Knights  -Heroines being swallowed up-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora