Chapter 1

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~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

You are seen in vacuum of space, flying to find Earth. People of Yardrat were kind enough to let you live in on their planet for the past ten years, since they knew you weren't anything like Frieza. Not to mention, train in the arts of Spirit Control. Which you've gained such mastery of.

After hearing rumors of the Saiyans named Goku and Vegeta, you curious to see how life is on Earth for them. So you said bye to all of your Yardratian friends, before leaving to find Earth.

Though after hearing about what freiza's done, you were worried but also a little depressed as to what would happen if you met the Saiyans or their friends. So, you plan to just settle down on Earth. See how Earth and it's people are, without causing trouble. As well as, heavily suppress your power to not get sensed by any of Earth's fighters.

After 3 Days of being in space, you finally find the planet called Earth.

(Y/N):'So this is Earth, it looks so  nice from this View.' You mentally said, before desending down to Earth.

Once you enter, the atmosphere felt so good and refreshing. The smell was something that you didn't hate, and overall it just felt relaxing compared to Yardrat. The clouds of Earth, look so fluffy and pure.

As you desended down farther, you could hear birds singing before looking down. You saw human going on with their everyday lives, as well as animal people. You also saw the economy that human have made, along with some Vehicles, shops and what you assume is some restaurants.

You really wanted to check out the humans culture, but you didn't know how the humans would react to you. Plus, you needed a place to stay in. So, you went out to find an empty open space.

After 2 minutes, you found it this...

A place that has resources needed to build a house, get shade and soon food

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A place that has resources needed to build a house, get shade and soon food....

(Y/N):"Alright, let's get started." You said, before flying down to the open space in between the trees.

~2 hours and 15 minutes later~

After getting enough wood and bricks, as well as carefully using enough power to not notify the fighters. You were able to finish making your house......

 You were able to finish making your house

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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