Chapter 2

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The fair was so full of people. Everyone was happy, buying food and other stuff. Piper noticed that next to the apple stand there was a handsome young itinerant who was selling jewelries. Not that she would be intrested about buying jewelry. Practically every girl except her were drooling over them.

They just wandered around, and then Merry's dad spotted them. He was very nice old hobbit, not annoying like most of older hobbits. He was selling carrots. "Merry! Come here!" He yelled. They all went to see what Merry's dad had to say. "Hullo kids do ya want some pocket money? If you could just watch over my carrots while I'll have some lunch, is that okay?" He said. "Yes, that would be great." Said Frodo, Sam, and Pippin. "That would be awesome, mister Brandybuck." Piper said and smiled at him. "Yea, thanks dad!" Merry said happily.

Frodo insisted to be the one who took care of the money. Merry was the one who sold the carrots, and  Pippin had vanished somewhere with Sam, they were probably eating ice cream somewhere. Piper stayed with Frodo and Merry. They had quite lot customers, and they had manged to sell half of the carrots when Merry's dad came back. He gave them three silver coins, to buy some ice cream or something like that.

Merry said he wasn't hungry, which was a big surprise to Frodo and Piper who bought two strawberry ice cream cones.

They decided to disperse to find Sam an Pippin quicker. They throwed a dice that Piper had in her pocket. Merry throwed and the dice landed on the ground, showing them five dots. Then it was Frodo's turn. The got a four. Piper threw the dice, and she got a six.

"Yassss! You peasants I don't have to go alone like the last time!" She cheered. She had a six, Merry had a five, and Frodo had a four. Which meant that because Merry and Piper had the highest numbers, they would go together. They all agreed to meet at Bilbo Baggins' house after ten minutes of searching. Frodo would look around the hills and the lake, and Merry and Piper would go look around the fair area, and their secret hiding places nobody else knew.

Piper and Merry just casually walked around the fair, and dodged the other hobbits. They were in the middle of an interesting discussion about the funniest pranks they've ever done, as they heard a voice saying:"Look over there, little baby Piper and her boyfriend!" Some annoying girls screamed at them. "WE'RE FRIENDS! STOP BULLYING HER JUST BECAUSE SHE'S SHORTER THAN YOU!" Merry shouted back at them, took Piper's hand and they ran away from them. "Don't care about them. You're awesome, and I think you're also cuter than they'll ever be." Merry comforted her. "Thanks Merry. You're the best." Piper said, and gave a friendly peck on his cheek. Merry blushed. And this time it wasn't just a small shade of pink on his cheeks, his whole face turned red as a tomato. Luckily they were sitting in one of their secret caves, and it was dark. They suddenly heard someone coming. Sam,Frodo, and Pippin climbed in to the cave, talking loudly. "We can rest here for a while, then we hav-, why are you here?" Frodo noticed Merry and Piper. "Well-" Piper started, but Merry spoke before she could:"The other girls bullied her again. And called me her boyfriend. So we came here to just get away from them." Piper just sat and stared at the ground, waited for their reaction. Pippin, Frodo, Sam and Merry tackled her into a bone crushing hug. "We love you, no matter what happens, remeber that." Pippin said.

They came out of the cave, and made sure that the girls wouldn't see them. They ran to Bilbo's hobbit hole quickly, and knocked. In a couple seconds, Bilbo opened the door. "Oh, what do my favorite little boys and girl want?" He asked smiling. "And forgive for being rude come in, come in." He added. "Happy birthday Bilbo!" They shouted and hugged him.

They walked in and sat at the table when Bilbo stared to make some tea.

He ruffled Piper's hair and said:"Where's your hair band dear, I thought I saw you wearing one earlier?" "Oh, it must've fallen when I ran with Merry." She answered. "I also broke my another suspender as you can see, but it's fine."She smiled.

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