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The weather was perfect. Not even the Gods decided to interfere with this day. And why should they? A good couple, one that faced enormous odds and adversity, was pledging themselves to one another. It was that simple. A small gathering of their closest friends and family was attending; those that knew them well and now they intended to show them their support, love, gratitude, and admiration. They knew of their trials, they knew of their sacrifices and they had wanted this day to happen almost as much as the happy couple.

Days had been spent in preparation. Food was cooked, wine opened, and tables piled high with fruit, nuts, berries, and vegetables all grown at Chang Manor School. Massive bouquets of wildflowers were placed in the center of each table. The trees in the orchard provided the natural flowery bowers, blooming merrily, and a small shower of petals drifted down with each gentle breeze.

The partners had been separated for several days as they were petted, pampered pumiced, plucked, and powdered. Yenay was doing it under extreme protest and vetoed by her attendants every step of the way. All they needed to do was click their tongues and mutter Qinyang's name under their breath and she would capitulate immediately, She wanted it to be the epitome of Qinyang's dreams so she would soldier through it.

Qinyang was in her element, and she laughed in delighted amusement with each tale of Yenay's objections and submissions to her Conqueror. This woman did indeed love her, enough to do all the lady things she found almost unbearable. Of course, she would probably not get her to do this again until their 50th Anniversary, but so be it! This day had finally come and she was beyond grateful for this incredible woman, who knew her and still wanted her enough to challenge the world for her. 

Finally, word spread throughout the crowd and they began to gather along the path that led through the orchard to the Ancestors Pavilion. Lan XiChen and Lan Zhan took places at the doors and began to play a light march on their instruments as the partners started their walk down the path, side by side, equal and unified. The crowd gasped. They shimmered in the red robes and veils that Qinyang had patiently and hopefully embroidered in deep sapphire and rich gold. They entered the building and stood before the ashes of Yenay's ancestors and bowed once to the Gods, once to the Ancestors, and once to each other. And they were one, finally and forever. Then they were led back to the house for a few minutes of seclusion.

They sat opposite one another on the pallet in their room, suddenly shy and nervous, Then, as one they slowly removed each other's veils. Startled at the others' beauty, illuminated with devotion, eternally grateful that the Gods had allowed this day, just for them. Qinyang felt her chin quiver and a tear fell. Yenay reached up and tenderly wiped it away.

"This is not a day for weeping, my Woman." She bent down a kissed her. A promise of life-long love and protection between them that had never faltered and never would.

They returned to those that loved them the most. Cheers echoed through the orchard and music began. They looked at all those faces ...their beloved Brothers,  their Parents, their many children from the Manor School.  Dr. Yue, Chu Chu, Mei Mei, and Jing. Their fellow evacuees, those wonderful 100 souls, with the courage and honesty to face consequences if they needed,  came from Cloud Recesses, in defiance of Lan Qiren's fury and forbidding. (They knew his time was waning and Lan XiChen would make his move to suggest retirement to the old man. Enough elders were ready to back the young heir.) These friends and family made Qinyang and Yenay's lives worthwhile. They smiled at each other and joined the festivities. 

Unconventional Cultivation: Vol.1 in  Life Among Clouds WangXian SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now