Gen Y_second 1 : what happens next?

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(please to all the readers I beg you to keep in mind that this is the first time I publish my work, I am an experienced writer [kinda] but I've never been judged. Feel free to tell your opinion but don't forget that I have feelings [reminder: an opinion even if negative can be nice!!] I hope you all enjoy <3 kisses)

Ba dum Ba dum..
not in a hundred years did Wayu think he'd see Pa again or at least not right now, Wayu stunned didn't know what he should feel..

Part of him misses Pa He wants to hug him and never let go.. never let him go.. not again.

Another part of him is full of frustration wants to yell at Pa ask him why he left and blame him.

This third part of him wants Pa to vanish.. he just started to heal and PA dares to show his face ever again? he's happy already.

Those are not the only feelings Wayu felt at the time but no matter what all the feelings remain inside.. trapped

Wayu still frozen looking at Pa and so was everyone.. the handsome Doctor was back.


Mark didn't forget what his friend had to go through because of this bastard, he really wanted to go hit him.

Mark still considering how his boyfriend who was standing next to him would feel, tried really hard to stop himself from making a scene.

Kit is really confused, he doesn't know how to act in a situation like this.

although he expected Mark to go crazy, Mark didn't! "what a relief" he thought to himself still unable to even say a word

"P'Pa ..." Wayu managed to say with a shaky voice tears almost dropping from his eyes

"I'm back, Wayu" a voice everyone haven't heard in what seemed like years!

(hello guys!! Author here, I just want to ask for an opinion.. do you think it's better to use Pha or Pa?? tell me in the comments your opinions do really matter, tell me what you want me to add.. also if you haven't noticed [well you obviously have!!] I used beginner, basic words so forgive me for that I'm not really good at wording but I just have theories of how stories should/would or could end, stay tuned for the next update! like this to support me and share it with friends, it would mean a lot!! until next time~~)

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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