flower picking [part 1]

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"Dream Ah!"

"Fuck me faster clay!"

George's pov:

+×mind×+What the hell was that dream about why did i even dream×+ about that ugh

I really need to get put of the house×+

Maybe i should go flower picking...that should be fun!×+

÷I got ready I put on a white t shirt and a hoodie on with some riped jeans÷

"Good enough I guess" I said talking to my self

÷I went to the kitchen grabbed some snacks then went to my car÷

"Theres plenty of flowers at the park I'll go there I guess" i said again talking to my self..

No one's pov: ÷George had gottwn to the park it was about 4:31 PM÷

+×maybe I should call clay to let him know where i am...×+ george thought to him self

÷george then instead of calling dream textes him sending his location along with a message saying that he is safe just going flower picking!÷

(Dang thats alot of words lol)

÷george then walked over to the flowers and started to pick them÷

"Theres so many flowers :0" george said to himself

÷no one came to the park that day which left george to be by him self not having to talk to anyone he felt happy when alone÷

+× I should make a flower crown for dream with these flowers there very pretty so he'll most likely like them!×+

÷george smiled thinking about that÷

÷a few minutes latter he had finished the flower crown and dicided to go home÷

÷george walked to his car and drove home=....

                         ÷    End.  ÷

264 words!

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