Finally Home.

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Fundy sat, tied up in a chair.  Mittens was sitting next to him, meowing in pain from her paws being tied to the gound.
*WilburSoot whispers to you: "Where are you? You're not in the caravan."*
"Fundy? where are you?" Wilbur asked, somewhat scared.
*ItsFundy whispers to you: "help"*
"Did you find him, Will?" Tommy asked.
"No..." Wilbur said " 'She's' fine." Wilbur said, looking not scared, but he knew he was terrified what had happened to his "daughter".
*Dream whispers to you: "Give me 12 netherite ingots. I'll give you your kid back if you cooperate.*
Fundy had started to try to use his stone sword his father gave him to untie himself. It worked!
Fundy quietly did the same procedure to mittens, and got his stone pickaxe, and slowly but surely, dug out of the obsidian.
"I'm out!" He thought.
Fundy began locating himself to L'manburg. he saw someone, but who?
Fundy got closer to the person, he had blonde-ish hair with a purple jacket.
"Hello?" Fundy said to him
The person jumped, surprised there was someone there.
"Hi?" He said, confused
"Oh yeah, I'm Fundy, Wilbur's 'daughter'" He said.
"Oh, I'm Purpled," Purpled said with a smile, "why are you all the way out here? shouldn't you be in L'manburg?" He asked, curiously.
"Well... I tried to leave and Dream had kidnapped me, do you know how to get back?" He asked
"In fact, I do!" Purpled said, "follow me,"
Purpled and Fundy made their way back to L'manburg. Fundy was stressed on the way, thinking how mad his father would be.
They eventually got back, and Fundy, Wilbur, Mittens, and Tommy reunited.
"Fundy!" Will said, "I was so worried!" Wilbur exclaimed.
Wilbur hugged Fundy.
"Thank you Mr..." Will tracked off.
"Purpled," Purpled said.
"Thank you, Purpled," Wilbur said.

Æ Word count: 311 :] (I started Demon Slayer, Swag 😩)

MY AU! If Fundy's character never came out as trans :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora