Yellow Belt: Demons Inside

74 16 16

Prompt: Epic banter between good and evil
Word Count: 500


"No," Xavier said, still, staring into the does brown eyes of his victim. He would not hurt her.

"No?" The chilling voice sent shivers up his spine, but he stood unmoving...motionless. "Do you know who you're talking to, boy?" A mirthless, cold laugh rang through his head. "Maybe a small reminder." The voice seemed to draw closer, whispering "With one word, I could seal your funeral date. Hell, I could do it with a thought"

"You're evil; you're foul," Xavier spat, still staring at his victim, fingernails digging into his porcelain palms. She stared right back at him, pleading. She doesn't deserve to be hurt.

"How dare you call me evil? I'm the only reason you are here now. If it wasn't for me, you'd still be stuck, begging on the streets with your poor, pitiful mother" the voice whispered dangerously, tendrils of words caressing...enticing Xavier's thoughts. "I made you great. You should thank me"

Xavier scoffed, "I'd take those streets over this any day. At least my mother cared for me." his voice broke "She was there for me when you weren't and you killed her"

The voice hummed, bored. "She was a hindrance; an obstacle in my plan for power"

"You killed her in cold blood." Xavier took a deep, shuddering breath "I never got to say goodbye" A lone tear dragged itself down his cheek.

"And now you will kill this girl. It's that simple" The voice drawled.

Xavier shook his head purposefully... angrily "This girl has done nothing wrong. Why should I continue your dirty work?" He gulped hard, bracing himself. "I refuse. This charade has gone along long enough." Gritting his teeth, Xavier swung himself around, raising his hands to fight but he was met with nothing: utter darkness. "Where are you?"

"You think you can fight me, boy" The voice mocked, its shrill laugh sounding once more, ringing painfully through Xavier and breaking down barriers even he didn't were there.

Of course, he could fight... and win. He had to. He couldn't lose. Not this time.

Xavier swung around again, holding his dagger out in front of him as, his back to the girl, he began circling her. "Where are you, you coward?" he cried, flecks of desperation in his voice. "Come out and fight!"

The voice chuckled in disbelief "You still don't realise my power, do you, boy? I don't answer commands" it scoffed, patronisingly drawling "I am in the room, you know? How about a little game of hide and seek?"

Xavier sneered, disgusted, his eyes catching his own in shards of broken mirrors scattered across the room. He stared, the dagger clattering to the floor from his hands in realisation.

"Looks like you found me. You are good at this game"

The girl on the floor whimpered.

"Well of course you're good. You're me...or should I say...I'm you" The voice let out a high-pitched cackle, the sound echoing ominously around the barren walls, mingling with the frightened wails of the girl.

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