Chapter 2: Clarine

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Hey again!  This chapter isn't very long but it just shows the relationship between becca and clarine, the other ones are longer though! :)

"Hello, Rebekah." Clarine says to me on Monday.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Now is that any way to address someone?" She asks with disapproval.

"Is something that sounds like a pool chemical any way to be named?" I ask.

"Hey," She starts.  "I don't need to hear you being mean to me.  I would lay off if I were you, I think Teddy likes me."

"I think not, if he's going out with you, he's using you." I hope this isn't his way of getting me because I would cry so often I wouldn't have the breath to say yes.

"Teddy wouldn't do that, just because you hate me doesn't mean Teddy does.  Teddy and I are friends."

That hurt like a cobra bite.  She's evil.

"Sorry I had to break it to you, sweetie." She apologizes sarcastically.  "See you around." She walks off like she knows who she is, the evil, cobra of a pool chemical.


"Are you friends with her?" I ask Teddy later on.


"Clarine." He doesn't respond, he knows we're enemies.  "She said you two were friends today."

He opens his mouth, then closes it, than opens it again and says, "Yeah, we are."

"I don't really know what to say to that... but don't use her against me or we'd both be mad at you." I warn.

"Why would she be mad at me?" He asks, raising one eyebrow.

"I would tell her she's being used."

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