Chapter Nine: Joel

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Hi! :D im kinda excited for this one because i havent typed in forever!!! i went to my friend allysons house today and i got all muddy lol that was random, then i had pizza and yesterday i made a cake and it tasted REALLY good! anyways!!! thank sor reading! vote comment fan please! :)))))))


I havent left this house since I walked in the door five nights ago. Teddy has texted me five more times, Gina six, no one else but my mom once. Also a few anonymous phone calls, I haven't answered anything. I feel like I'm being deprived of everything, if I could only just SEE one of the people I knew, things would be better.

And that horrible dream. No matter when I fall asleep, I wake up at the ame time doing the same thing, sweating and on the verge of tears. But that's not happening tonight. No. I'm leaving this house to go to the beach.

"Have they caught them yet?" I ask. This is the question I ask every afternoon. Hoping for a yes and getting a disappointing no.

"I'm sorry, they haven't. Just hang tight and you'll be out of here in no time." Freida talls me. Typical thing for a grown up to say.

No I won't. "Fine." I trudge back to my room. It's a little over three months until my birthday, I get to see Teddy then. I wonder what my cake will look like.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small knkock on the door. I make an "m" sound and the door opens.

Barbie stands in the doorway and I motion her to come in. She does. "Hello."

"Hi." I say to her with a smile. "Do you have anything to tell me?"

She nods quickly, sits down on the side of my bed and looks at me with scary seriousness. "You must promise me that you will not repeat this or let anyone know you know this or anything. Not even your best friend or people of the castle, no one even knows I know." She holds out her pinky and I take it.


"Okay," She starts. "So I was being good the other day by going around and washing all of the tables that we eat on at the castle, my friend, Brigitta, was cleaning all of the tables we don't eat on. So anyways, I walk into the biggest dinning hall to clean the longest table in the whole building, and I almost dropped all of my cleaning supplies, but I didn't. I just backed out slowly and quietly so they didn't hear me."

Something was missing from this story. "Who didn't hear you?"

"Prince Theodore and Allison." She tells me, a sick look coming across her face.

"... Why did you almost drop all of your cleaning supplies?" This is making me worry.

"They... they were..." She can't seem to get it out.

"Here." I hand a peice of paper and a pen to her. "Write it down."

She holds the paper extremely close to her face, scribbles a word down quickly, balls it up, and tosses it to my side, waiting for me to pick it up and read it. Uncrumpling the paper wasn't too hard, but reading her quick handwriting was. Was that a... um... hm. Then I realized what it was. Behind the scribbles was one word.


I saw it coming when she couldn't seem to spit it out, but I didn't know I was actually going to be right. "I can't believe it. I can't believe that I could be gone for a matter of days and he would be at it like this."

"Neither can I, I would never do that." She tells me.

"Well at least I know how he plays this game."

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