Chapter 12: The Fall

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After Clara and I had made up her room and all, we decided to text Kian and Jc to see if they wanted to do something. I then realized that I'd have to DM Kian because he never gave me his number.So I DMed him on Instagram:

@Dani_Bur: Hey, you and Jc wanna hangout with Clara and I tonight?

@kianlawley: Sure, how about we go get some Starbucks and then see a movie?

@Dani_Bur: Sounds perfect, I'll be at your house in 15 minutes

"We can leave soon, just touch up your makeup and hair." I told Clara. After Clara and I had fixed ourselves up, we headed downstairs. Just as I swung the door open I overheard my parents talking. They were talking about Clara. "Hey, I think I forgot something, could you wait out here for a minute?" I asked Clara. I walked to the door of my dad's office and put my ear to the door. "She has nowhere else to go Daniel, we can't kick her out for no reason." My mom said. "Well she can't stay here, she's not a good influence on Dani." My dad stated. "Oh be quiet before they hear you, we will talk about this later." My mom stated bluntly.

I turned around to go just as my mom began to walk towards the door I was standing by. "I found it, my phone was laying on my bed." I said, trying to sound as happy as i could. "Okay, shall we?" she asked. "Let's goooo." I said as I began to skip. As we were walking I began to remember all the fun things me and Clara used to do as kids. Making snowmen, throwing snowballs, pretending we were dating the Jonas brothers. Yeah, we did that, Nick was mine and she loved Joe. I perfer not to talk about it. But we used to have so much fun. i wish her mom never did the things she did. But then again, if she wouldn't have, Clara wouldn't be with me today. I'm just happy Clara is safe.

We knocked on the door and Kian opened the door smiling. "You guys ready?" Kian asked. "I wouldn't be here if i wasn't." I stated sarcastically. "You watch it young lady, I might have to pop you for that later, and not on the mouth." Kian said, smirking at me. By that time Clara was passed out laughing. "You lay a finger on her and you'll have me to deal with me." Clara said, pointing her finger at him. "Okay, I'll pass on the popping thing, wouldn't wanna get my ass kicked by a girl." Kian stated. He then made room for us to come inside. We walked in and saw Jc making his way downstairs. Once he saw Clara, his eyes lit up. 

"So there were no good movies playing and we were thinking we could all come here after Starbucks?" Kian asked. "Are you just trying to get us to spend the night because it's not gonna work if you are." I said as i started to giggle. "there is is." Kian yelled. "What?" I said smiling like an idiot at him. "That beautiful laugh and sarcastic mouth you've got, I love it." He stated as my cheeks began to turn red.

Kian loves me, well not me, but my mouth. No that sounds weird. But he said love. I then walked over to him and looked up into his beautiful brown eyes and said, "Can you pwetty pwease take me to Starbucks now?" I asked with my adorable puppy dog eyes. "Not until you give me a kiss." Kian stated seductively. "Um, I can drive myself, thanks though, I don't wanna kiss your rat looking ass mouth, bye." I said, almost getting away with the joke until I cracked up with laughter halfway to the door. I turned around and Kian had his mouth wide open and says: "I cannot believe you just said that to me, but it's okay because i didn't wanna kiss you anyway." Kian said turning his cheek and crossing his arms. "Oh, okay, I guess we'll be going then." I yelled, walking backwards until I tripped over the coffee table and almost knocked myself out. All I heard as a lie on the ground holding my head was Kian yell "Oh shit!" and run over to me. "Dani, are you okay hun?" I heard Kian say. He just called me hun, I just fell and probably busted my head open but I'm fangirling over Kian Lawley calling me hun. Sounds about like me.

I felt strong arms pick me up and carry me somewhere. I finally regained my sight and saw that i was lying in Kian's bed, but he wasn't in there. Just as I started to sit up, Kian walks in and shuts the door. "It's okay Dani, here, lay back down, I have some Tylenol and some water." he said, handing it to me. I took the pills and laid back down. My head still hurt and I couldn't sleep. I heard the clicking of Kian's mouse on his computer so I knew he was still there. "Kian, can you come lay with me?" I said, needing warmth and sleep.

I heard the chair move and then felt a warm body crawl in the bed behind me. "Thank you, I hope I didn't disturb you from like editing or something." I said as I pushed myself closer to him. "No, it's okay, I wasn't doing much, I'm guessing your staying here tonight?" He questioned. "Yeah, if you don't mind?" I asked. "No of course not, I'd do anything for you, plus you took a pretty hard fall." He said while laughing. "It's not funny, it hurts like hell." I said laughing a bit myself. "I'm sorry babe," he said whilst rubbing my head lightly. "Kian that feels so..." I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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