The big disaster..

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*Marinette's POV* omg me and adrien me and adrien me and adriennnnnnn!* she said in her head . HEY STOP EVERYONE, now I'm here -Luka said - hold on I needa go to the bathroom thoe haha -he said weirdly he went to the bathroom to go and change his shirt yellow just for his crush Marinette-

*Luka POV * IM BACK NOW ENOUGH OF THIS CHAOS my shirt is yellow * he said smirking * -everyone gasping-. B-but what are we going to do -Adrien cried out- I know I should choose me and Adriennn and marinette and Luka I know u loveeee Luka and Luka loves you - Lila said smirking- NO THAT SPIND LIKE A BAD IDEA Kagami said- oh my gosh why do all these girls want me but I really want Marinette- Adrien said in his head-

*Lila POV * she quickly kisses Adrien and says* see we already have a good bond in eachother isn't it Adrien now all of u leave.

*Marinette POV * W-wait but mrs bustier has to choose b-because ugh dont worry, -Luka whispers in marinette's ear- Me and u are the best couple in Paris now come on now-he smirks-

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