The big reveal..

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-POV it's 10:20- my m'Lady might be here any second my bugaboo might be her any minute *cat noir sings* hey kitty told ya I'd be here haha *ladybug said* YAY YOUR HERE *cat noir gives ladybug a big hug * thank you .

*Ladybugs POV * soo what is all of this decoration ? For you m'lady u know how long I was wating for this day it has finally come!! *cat noir said with a big smile on his face* ok well u go share ur identity first .. ladybug said

AH AH OK -cat noir said with excitement-
*he takes a deep breath in* plag claws out *
IVE GOT A YELLOW T'SHIRT BUGABOO I HOPE U DO TO! -Ladybugs POV- o-oh my n-no way y-yellow T-shirt and ADRIEN AGRESTE ~ladybug cries out~ oo so u know me m'lady ~cat noir says~ OF COURSE KITTY ALL OTHER THE BILLBOARDS EVEN ONE BEHIND U ON TV OMG NO WAY OMG IM GONNA HAVE A PANIC ATTACK- Ladybug says

Hey calm down and reveal ur identity ~Adrien says ~ n-no because I don't look as much pretty but with the mask on I d- ~ladybug said crying~ h-hey you will always be my m'lady no matter what and u r beautiful I just know it , also ur earring are beeping -adrien said-.

-Ladybug POV- *she tries to run away but adrien grabs her from the hand and moves closer and closer to her almost going to kiss her on her lips.. -please m'lady don't make model boy upset haha- Adrien says .
O-okay but please don't judge never bugaboo -adrien says - T-tiki spots off
-Adrien has a shocked face but he's blushing so hard right now he can't say anything speechless-
-Marinette's POV- I know you hate me I'm going to go home now..
Adrien quickly grabs marinette again and this time whispers in her ear saying "I love you and always will" marinette is blushing so hard she can't move , Adrien kisses her on the lips.

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