The Uprising

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Kalos region, The region of Love. It is said that who-so-ever once visit Kalos would have been exposed to the magic of love. In the capital city of Kalos, there resides Lumoise Palace where our story begins.

The castle itself is large enough to hold the entire population of Lumoise within itself and still would have enough space to fit half a town population more. The Palace is itself equipped with modern, up-to-date equipment. On the balcony of the Palace stood three figures, 2 men and a woman, all in their mid-thirties to late-forties. "Are you sure about this, John?" The woman asked. "Yea, Grace, We can't force Serena to stay here for the rest of the time," The man named John replied. The woman had blue eyes, brown hair and stood at a height of 5'11". She wore a long and expensive dress with a diamond necklace on her neck. She also had pink lipstick on. This was none other than the Queen of Kalos, Grace Yvonne.

Beside her stood a man, about 6'1" in height, he had hazel-green eyes and blonde hair. Unlike Grace, he wore a much simpler dress with just a T-shirt and black Jeans on. He had a pendant on his neck with a shiny stone attached to it. He was quite muscular, which was appreciated by Grace as she could have any of her work which involves Strength done by him. His name was Johnathan 'John' Yvonne, The King of Kalos.

"But what about her safety? She would be vulnerable from their attack in the academy," Grace retorted. "May I speak your Majesty?" The third figure asked. "You don't need to ask, Adam," John replied. "I have heard about a group of people known as Aura Guardian. If you talk to them then they might help," Adam suggested. "I don't know, Adam. After Red, I don't want to bring Aura Guardians in my matter. They have already helped us a lot," John said sadly. "You should talk to them, I don't think they have any resent against us or you," Grace said encouraging her husband. "You should give it a shot," Adam added. John sighed as he picked up his phone.

It was early morning in Pallet Town, Kanto. This town is known especially for 2 things. 1) It is the place where the world-famous laboratory of Prof. Oak is situated. 2) It is also the place where Queen Delia Ketchum was born and raised during her childhood and teens. At a house in the same town, a Raven-haired teen had just woke up and was preparing his breakfast. He had auburn eyes, which were inherited from his mother, and always had a charming smile on his face which would make any girl fall for him but our little protagonist had already set his eyes on a childhood friend of his. This was none other than the current World Champion and the Prince of both the Kanto-Jhoto empire, Ash Lucifer Ketchum. Lucifer in the sense you know. The teen had been on his journey ever since the day he turned 10 along with his yellow-furred friend, Pikachu. They both have known each other and befriended ever since they remember. You might ask why the teen is spending his time away from the luxury of Saffron palace? To answer it simply, he is on a vacation. And for a more detailed answer, He was puffed out of all the job of being the "King" (as in having a regnant) plus the World Champion therefore, he elected to have an intermission within the very same hamlet where his Mom grew up. Hope you're satisfied with this.

All of a sudden, Ash's phone buzzed. Ash sighed and accepted the call. 'Great, Another call to disturb my vacation,' Ash thought. "Hello," Ash attended. "Hello, Is this Ash speaking?" A rather familiar male voice was heard. "Yea, Who are you?" Ash asked. "This is Johnathan speaking," The male answered. After a few minutes of ash crying about another mission and Johnathan trying to convince him. 'Team Flare is planning something. Bingo, I can easily help the G-Men without Lance whining about my safety,' Ash thought. "I accept," Ash replied. "Oh sure, I'll ask my team to send details to you," The male replied before hanging up. The raven-haired walked back to his room to eat his breakfast before he had to go back to Palace to prepare for his trip to Kalos. 'Great Ash, Now you had to be in Human Contact,' Ash sighed. "She looks like that girl from the camp," Pikachu remarked.  "fuck off" Ash replied annoyed. And that's what he regrets....

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