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Bree and Skylar were training,  Chase was thinking, the Davenports were inventing, and Kaz and Oliver were attempting to make a cupcake without an oven. "You have to torch the batter around." Oliver was telling Kaz "but what if they want us to think like that!" Kaz was saying. He lit his hand on fire and torched the top of the cupcake, long story short, it exploded. Suddenly alarms went of. Chase jumped up from his spot on the couch "mission alert!" Bree, Skylar, Donald, and Douglas appeared from the hydrolift. "What's the mission?" Bree asked. Chase put footage on the screen. It was the Centium city park, there were weird monsters attacking, some had only one eye, and some were hounds the size of tanks. "What are those?" Kaz asked, Douglas cursed under his breath. "Douglas, do you know what they are?" Bree asked "no, maybe, but you need your brothers for this." "Fine" Bree got Adam and Leo from the bionic academy and ran back. Adam and Leo looked around disoriented. "Where are we?" They asked in sync "your in Davenport tower!" Mr Davenport told them. "So this is the Elite Force hideout?" "Awesome, right?" Chase asked smiling "if you didn't live in it, then yes it would be awesome" Leo snapped. "Let's go" Chase grumbled. They all left to the park. Douglas turned to his brother.  "We're gonna need his help soon" Donald sighed, "I know"

The team was doing very bad. Only Oliver and Kaz could hurt them with their powers over water and fire. Everyone else's attacks were futile. Bree and Skylars attempts went through the monsters, and the monsters were stronger than super strength. There were 5 monsters in total and they/Kaz and Oliver had gotten rid of 3. When the other two were disposed of, Oliver was panting and Kaz was a little better because the last two were fireproof, so he couldn't help. They walked back to the tower exhausted. When Douglas saw them he asked "that bad, huh?" They all groaned in response. Douglas sent a pointed glare to Mr. Davenport. Said person shook his head. "Do you have any other way?" Douglas asked him "No" 
"Then we should call him"
"Why not?"
"N-fine whatever, yes
"Let's go kids"  Douglas grabbed the panting kids and gave them energy bars, when the looked refreshed enough, he dragged them outside. "Okay we need to get to NY, let's go"
"Where are we going" Bree asked
"To find someone who can help with our situation" the team was immediately on board. Mr Davenport grudgingly trudged outside. Everyone grabbed on to a super-speeder and were off to New York.

Percy's POV
No matter who told him to stop thinking about the seven, he couldn't. They were fighting the giants when Jason had been stabbed through the chest and Piper's skull had been completely shattered because of a Cyclopes stepping on her head. Hazel had been run through with a spear and someone had gotten hold of Frank's lifeline, burning it. Leo had been drowned and Annabeth, the love of his life had been stabbed by Gaia. He had killed the monsters, every last one of them then killed Gaia, fading her permanently, with power he didn't know he had. Now he was alone, Nico checked on him every few days and he had his own house. He was moving along because he knew Annabeth wouldn't accept  him in the underworld if he joined her to early. He was watching some architectural show. He had made it his life goal to construct a monument in honor of Annabeth, it would stay there forever. Blueprints were scattered around his house along with chip packets. Percy was jolted out of his thoughts when the doorbell rang. He opened it, then slammed it right after.

Percy Jackson meets Elite Force Where stories live. Discover now